「生徒全員」と英語で言うときに、All students、All the students、All of the studentsと三通りの言い方があり得ますが、これらに違いはあるのでしょうか?掲示板usingenglish.comでの回答を信じるならば、
- In “all students” all is an adjective. Rhetorically it is the most neutral phrase of all. ALLとSTUDENTSのどちらかを特に強調するわけではない言い方。
- The phrase “all the students” is either neutral in stress, or slightly emphasizes “students”. これもどちらかを強調するわけではないが、強いていうならSTUDENTSの方に重きがある。
- The phrase “all of the students” lays definite stress on the “all”. これは明らかにALLを強調した言い方。
【例文】For all language teachers, however, instruction-giving is an area that deserves attention and practice, as it has a major impact on how well students are able to carry out activities and, as a result, how well they learn. (引用元:americanenglish.state.gov)
【例文】Keep in mind, however, that instructions should be simple and clear for all learners. (引用元:americanenglish.state.gov)
【例文】For activities that have several steps, give instructions after each step rather than giving all instructions at once.(引用元:americanenglish.state.gov)
【例文】The post-delivery stage allows the teacher to make sure that all students understood the instructions.(引用元:americanenglish.state.gov)
【例文】If you find that all or most students are off track, stop the activity and give instructions to the whole class again.(引用元:americanenglish.state.gov)
all the +名詞
【例文】The English Language Instruction Program This is generally used in areas where the students have a variety of different language backgrounds. As there is no common language other than English, this approach tries to get all students into mainstream classes as quickly as possible. The language of instruction in this program is 100% English, as no one teacher will know all the various native languages represented by the students in attendance.(引用元:fluentu.com)
【解説】2つめのallの用法では、all the~ となっていますが、これは「授業に出席している生徒らの様々な母国語」と限定された状況における複数の言語全てを指しているからです。
【例文】The Two-way Bilingual Program Programs that fall under this designation, also known as dual language or paired bilingual programs, are another choice. This kind of program is ideal for a situation where there is a 50/50 balance between native English speakers and ELL students. The students are taught in both languages and the ELL students serve as role models and work with their peers. The teachers must be bilingual and if the program works well, so should all the students. (引用元:fluentu.com)
【解説】語学学習法の形態の説明文です。ELLはEnglish Language Learnersの略。この学習形態は例えば、半数が日本語を学びたいアメリカ人、残る半数が英語を学びたい日本人といった状況です。最後の文の訳は、「教師はバイリンガルである必要がある。そしてもしこの語学学習プログラムが功を奏せば全ての学生もバイリンガルにならなければいけない。」この文でall the studentsと定冠詞theがつく理由は、「このプログラムに参加した生徒たち全員」という極めて限定され、特定された生徒たちのことを指しているからです。
all of the + 名詞
【例文】All of the roads were evaluated by the same pair of Stantec employees who drove them June 12-22. (引用元:westlocknews.com)
【例文】“King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman vigorously deny any knowledge of the planning or execution of the murder of Mr. Khashoggi. Our intelligence agencies continue to assess all information, but it could very well be that the Crown Prince had knowledge of this tragic event – maybe he did and maybe he didn’t!” Trump wrote. “That being said, we may never know all of the facts surrounding the murder of Mr. Jamal Khashoggi. In any case, our relationship is with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. They have been a great ally in our very important fight against Iran. The United States intends to remain a steadfast partner of Saudi Arabia to ensure the interests of our country, Israel and all other partners in the region.” (引用元:yahoo.com
【解説】That being said,は、「そんなわけだから」あるいは「しかしながら」。文脈によって順接にも逆説にも使えるようです。ここでは、その前の部分で、「サウジ王子は関与したかもしれないししていないのかもしれない。」と述べたのを受けて、「だから、事実関係の全てを知ることなんて決してできやしない。」と言っています。
all the 抽象名詞、all 抽象名詞
【例文】Please check that all the information you provided is correct. (引用元:wordreference.com)
【例文】The accompanying financial statements of The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation and all information in this Annual Report are the responsibility of management and have been approved by the Board of Directors. (引用元:greatlakes-seaway.ca)
【解説】all information と all the informationはどう使い分けられるのかについては、all を除いて考えてみて、the をつけるべきかつけないべきかで考えれば事足りるでしょう。the がつけば、示されたあらゆるもの全てという意味になります。
Learn English – ALL or WHOLE?
- The baby cried all the time.
- I studied all day.
- All my friends came.
- All cities were destroyed.
- All the money was stolen.
- All the water was spilt.
- all of them
- All students need to come to class early tomorrow.