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Brian Green on the Importance of Science Education アメリカの理論物理学者ブライアン・グリーンが1分30秒で語る科学教育の重要性。

It’s unfortunate. I think many people still see science as a subject(教科) that they studied in school but left behind when they took their final exam. To me, science is really a way of life(生きる手段). It’s a perspective(物の見方). It’s an outlook(物の見方) at the way of engaging with the world, so that one can employ rational reasoning, deductive logic, to really understand what’s true and what’s right and what’s actually accurate about the world around us. And that is not a subject(教科) , that’s a perspective(物の見方). When you look at the 21st century, at the opportunities that we have the challenges that we face, from things like stem cells, and climate change, from nanoscience, to space travel, to nuclear proliferation, to all manner of things that will have a dramatic impact on life, they’re all scientific. And if you don’t have a public that’s willing to engage with the scientific ideas, it’s nearly impossible to have informed decision-making. So, in order that we can really participate in the ongoing development of life and culture in order that we can play a part in the global dialogue about where our planet is going to go in the 21st century, we all have to speak at some level the language of science.


Scientific literacy is necessary | Andrew Zwicker | TEDxCarnegieLake

0:47 What do I mean by “scientific literacy?” Scientific literacy is not simply about what you know. It’s not simply about a bunch of facts. That’s important but that’s only a piece of story. To be scientifically literate is about how you think. It’s about questioning everything (It’s) about being skeptical. It’s about being a criticl thinker and an analytical thinker. It’s about looking at the world around you, taking information, a bunch of facts, and seeing what type of conclusions you can draw, as opposed to having a conclusion and looking for facts that fit the conclusion you already have. But doing that is not easy, because often what happens at astatistics contardict what we have is our beliefs what we have is our experiences aour personal narratives.

2:19 Addressing Scientific Literacy. There are three reasons why we need to care about this. The first is jobs. Because if you look at the history of our economy, what you see is that for decades and decades and decades, science and technology has driven our economy forward.