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例文 It has received much attention over the past few decades due to its biodegradable properties, which offer important economic benefits.
質問 due toの代わりにfor も使えるか?
While both “due to” and “for” can link causes, they function differently. “Due to” specifically indicates a direct cause-and-effect relationship, while “for” can be more general, indicating a reason or purpose.
In this case, “due to” is actually more appropriate because the biodegradable properties are directly causing the attention. If we used “for,” it might slightly change the meaning to suggest the attention was purposefully given for those properties, rather than naturally resulting from them.
- “It has received attention due to its biodegradable properties” (The properties caused the attention)
- “It has received attention for its biodegradable properties” (The properties are what people chose to pay attention to)
While both could work, “due to” better captures the causal relationship you’re describing. The properties are what directly led to the attention.
なるほどそういうわけだったのですね。勉強になりました。due toは直接的な因果関係を示すのに使うのがよいそうです。それに対して、forは理由を示すといっても、意図的にそうしたといった意味合いが出てくるとのこと。ニュアンスは明らかに違いますね。