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The slang terms for menarche (a girl’s first menstruation) tend to vary widely depending on region, culture, and personal preferences. Some common slang expressions include:

General Slang Terms:

  1. “Starting your period”: A straightforward phrase that is widely understood and gender-neutral.
  2. “Getting your first period”: Another neutral and commonly used term.
  3. “Becoming a woman”: Often used to signify the transition into womanhood, although it’s considered outdated or overly simplistic in many contexts.
  4. “The curse”: An older slang term that some people use humorously or with a negative connotation.
  5. “Getting the red badge” or “Red visitor”: Refers to the color of menstrual blood, used playfully.

Slang Specific to Menarche:

Menarche-specific slang terms are relatively rare, as most slang about menstruation focuses on periods in general rather than the first occurrence. However, some expressions might include:

  • “Joining the club”: Referring to the shared experience of menstruation among people who menstruate.
  • “Aunt Flo’s first visit”: A lighthearted reference to the beginning of menstrual cycles.
  • “Getting the red letter”: Another reference to the first arrival of menstruation.
  • “Hitting the cycle”: Slang referring to starting menstrual cycles for the first time.

In contrast to coitarche, which has more direct and varied slang, menarche tends to be described with euphemisms or phrases that address menstruation as a whole.


The slang term for coitarche (the first occurrence of sexual intercourse) is most commonly referred to as “losing one’s virginity.” This phrase is widely used to describe a person’s first experience of sexual intercourse. Other casual or slang terms for this include:

  • Popping the cherry: Refers to the first sexual experience, often used in a more vulgar context.
  • Doing it for the first time: A more neutral way of expressing the idea.
  • Going all the way: Refers to completing sexual intercourse for the first time.
  • Breaking the seal: Similar to “popping the cherry,” but can sometimes be used in different contexts.

The terminology can vary depending on the context and cultural background, but these are some of the common slang expressions associated with coitarche.

The slang terms like “losing one’s virginity”, “going all the way,” and “doing it for the first time” are gender-neutral and can refer to both men and women. These phrases are commonly used to describe the first experience of sexual intercourse for any individual, regardless of gender.

However, some expressions such as “popping the cherry” or “breaking the seal” have historically been more associated with women due to their reference to the breaking of the hymen, which is a physical phenomenon sometimes (but not always) related to a woman’s first experience with vaginal intercourse.

In contrast, expressions like “scoring” or “getting laid” have sometimes been used more in reference to men, reflecting a historically different way of talking about male and female sexual experiences. But these terms are increasingly being used in a gender-neutral manner.

In short, most modern slang is becoming more inclusive and less gender-specific, but the context and choice of words can still carry gendered connotations depending on how they are used.


The term “spermarche” refers to the first ejaculation experienced by a male, usually during puberty. However, unlike terms for menarche or first intercourse, there is no widely established slang specifically for spermarche. The event itself is less commonly discussed in popular culture or casual conversation, so slang references are rare.

Some Possible Slang Terms or Expressions:

  1. “Wet dream”: This term is often used to describe a nocturnal emission, which is how spermarche frequently occurs for boys.
  2. “First time busting a nut”: A crude slang expression for ejaculation that might occasionally be used.
  3. “Hitting puberty”: Though not specific to spermarche, it is a common way of referring to the onset of puberty and the related bodily changes.
  4. “First squirt”: A very informal and less common expression, referring specifically to the first ejaculation.

Unlike the female counterpart (menarche), spermarche is generally not given a dedicated term in everyday conversation. Instead, people usually talk about “starting puberty” or “getting a wet dream” to refer to this stage of development.

ちなみに「夢精」は英語で “wet dream” と言います。通常、思春期の男児や成人男性が睡眠中に性的な夢を見て、無意識のうちに精液を放出する現象を指します。英語圏でもこの言葉が一般的に使われます。より医学的な表現としては、”nocturnal emission” という言い方があります。


  • “He had his first wet dream at the age of 13.”
  • “Nocturnal emissions are a normal part of male puberty.”


射精は英語で “ejaculation” と言います。医学的にも日常的にも使用される正式な言葉です。男性が性的興奮のピークに達した際、精液を放出することを意味します。


“Ejaculation is a normal physiological response.”

“He experienced ejaculation for the first time during puberty.”



  • “Cum” is a slang term referring to semen or the act of ejaculation during sexual activity. It is often used informally and is considered vulgar or inappropriate in formal settings. For example:
    • “He cummed” means “He ejaculated.”
  • It is also used to describe reaching the peak of sexual pleasure (climax) for both men and women, though it is more often associated with male ejaculation.

例文:”He didn’t want to cum too quickly.”


女性の場合、膣からの分泌物を「おりもの」と言いますが、それに対応する英語はvaginal dischargeと言います。

例文:”If you notice an unusual vaginal discharge, it may be a sign of an infection.” おりものの状態が普段と異なる場合、それは感染症の兆候かもしれません。
