英検の2次試験では、インターネットがらみのトピックは頻出です。旺文社の問題集に掲載されていたトピック:In what ways has the Internet made young people more vulnerable?(どのような点でインターネットは若者を脆弱にしたか)。ネットでのいじめの問題、少女が大人の男に騙されてデートしたり、みだらな行為を強要されたり、といったニュースを頻繁に目にしますので、そういった内容でまとめればいいと思います。
- The Internet is becoming an increasingly dangerous place for children and teenagers whose online profiles often attract aggressive sexual predators. (amp-632111.pdf)
- Many parents and carers worry about their children being at risk online, especially about the possibilities of grooming and sexual exploitation. (parentinfo.org)
- Personal information posted online can lead to abductions and sexual exploitation of children. (amp-632111.pdf)
- With most young people using mobile phones and the Internet on a regular basis, cyber bullying has increased in recent years. (europa.eu)
- 4 Dangers of the Internet (webmd.com)
- 7 Dangers of the Internet for Kids (covenanteyes.com)
- Introduction to Online Safety and the Dangers of the Internet (kidslivesafe.com)
- What can make young people vulnerable online? (parentinfo.org)
- Online “Predators” and Their Victims (amp-632111.pdf)
- How do online predators work? (PDF)
- Girls’ and boys’experiences of online risk and safety (PDF)