ジャパンタイムズの『出る順で最短合格英検1級 単塾語EX』の13ページにあった substantiateという単語を用いた例文に、The experiment results substantiate her theory. というものがあったのですが、これを読んだときに、あれっ?ここはexperimentalじゃないのかなと思いました。実際のところ、どちらがよいのでしょうか?ネットでいろいろ調べて考えたことを以下に記しておきます。
“experiment results” 約 1,740,000 件
“experimental results” 約 20,500,000 件
“The experiment results substantiate” 3件
“The experimental results substantiate” 8,860件
- Allowing for limiting reaction at about 95%, the experimental results substantiate the model with K = k1/k0 = 0.80 ± 0.03, and L = k2/k0 = 0.37 ± 0.03, which are independent of temperature. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pol.1977.180150209/abstract
- The experimental results substantiate the effectiveness of the method in significantly improving the imaging performance of AFM at high scan speeds. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22128989
- The experimental results substantiate that this chemical reduction process obeys the model used in semiconductor physics for electron capture by surface states. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1968SurSc…9..119F
”The experimental results support” 約 349,000 件
”The experiment results support” 約 59,200 件
- Address whether the experimental results support or refute your hypothesis. https://www.coursehero.com/file/p71jpauf/Address-whether-the-experimental-results-support-or-refute-your-hypothesis-If/
- The scientist is determining whether the experimental results support or disprove the hypothesis being tested. https://socratic.org/questions/when-a-scientist-analyzes-experimental-results-what-is-the-scientist-generally-d
- Interpretation of how the experimental results support hierarchical mechanism 1 and exclude the other models. https://www.nature.com/articles/srep29263/figures/3
結論として、グーグル検索ヒット数で比べると、experimentalのほうがよく用いられると結論して間違いなさそうです。”experiment results”も使われているようですが、著者の所属をみると英語圏の国でないことが多い印象です。
- The experiment results support the analytical development and reveal nearly-exponential decline in the decision error as the completeness level increases. (著者の所属はスイスおよびイスラエル) http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/03610926.2016.1277752
- new ATLAS experiment results https://phys.org/news/2017-09-quarknew-atlas-results.html
実験に名前がついていた場合には、このようになり、ATLAS experimental resultsとは言いません。
所有格にして、experiment’s results(実験の結果)という言い方はよく見られます。
- If the experiment’s results support the hypothesis, it is used as the basis for a theory or law, otherwise it is rejected and the researcher tries again. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/philosophy-business-science-raymond-anderson
- repeated trial: A repetition of an experiment to gather additional data and determine whether the experiment’s results support the hypothesis.
- The experiment’s results support the majority of the hypotheses about the social navigation user experience and provide mixed evidence for the other hypotheses. https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1751342
the results of the experimentも自然な言い方だと思います。どう使い分けるかは、文の構成などにも大きく依存します。
- While Tryon’s results showed that the “bright” rats made significantly fewer errors in the maze than the “dull” rats did, the question exists of what other sensory, motor, motivational, and learning processes also influenced the results of the experiment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tryon%27s_Rat_Experiment
名詞 vs 形容詞
“Experimental result” vs “experiment result” という質問を見かけました。(http://www.english-test.net/forum/ftopic59347.html)。回答者は、以下のように答えていました。
Well, the first doesn’t quite make sense, since results come from an experiment; they are not experimental in themselves, but I suppose some speakers might use the phrase to mean the same as the other. I suggest ‘the results of the experiment’, however.