関係代名詞+to 不定詞の用法
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Derek found an ideal environment in which to learn foreign languages. (デレックは、外国語を学ぶための理想的な環境を見つけた。)
という例文があります。これは、関係代名詞の後に続く部分が節でなく、to 不定詞の句になることがあるということを知らないと、戸惑います。。「前置詞+関係代名詞+to 不定詞」の形で使われるようです。『ロイヤル英文法』では、不定詞の形容詞的用法のセクションに詳しい説明があります。また江川『英文法解説』にも不定詞の形容詞的用法として例文が掲載されています。
グーグルスカラーで”in which to”を検索すると183万件もヒットしますので、インターネットから例文をいくつか拾ってみます。
The Most Fulfilling Jobs And Cities In Which To Work (http://www.forbes.com/sites/karstenstrauss/2016/12/08/the-most-fulfilling-jobs-and-cities-in-which-to-work/)
“This generous gift will help us provide the tigers with a larger and more complex space in which to live,” said Ron Kagan, Detroit Zoological Society executive director and CEO in a statement. (http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/oakland-county/2016/12/22/detroit-zoo-tiger/95751738/)
Yet it is still a fairly cheap place in which to live and work. (https://www.theguardian.com/small-business-network/2016/dec/22/chile-accelerator-startup-grants)
- San Diego has been a fertile community in which to work, and many people have offered sustaining encouragement. (Preface page xi)
- The Cases of China, Japan, and Korea, provided contexts in which to discuss chapters 2, 6, and 7. (Preface page xii)
- The one required economic internationalism to expand labor and capital, to secure raw materials and consumer markets, to locate areas in which to invest surplus capital, and to provide a safety valve for domestic tensions; the other required consolidation of a strong, hegemonic nation-state in order to regulate the terms of that post-war economic internationalism. (Page 15)
- Just as Ileto proposes a “nonlinear employment of history” that maps, rather than narrates, spaces of insurrection and suppression, I consider Ng’s Bone as a novel that explores space as a category in which to read about the emergence of and the obstacles to Asian American social life over the past century.(Page 120)
(引用元:グーグルブックス Lisa Lowe著 Immigrant Acts: On Asian American Cultural Politics)
- 前置詞+関係代名詞+to不定詞のまとめ (NAVERまとめ)