
What does “We are at a crossroads of a great age” mean?

What does “We are at a crossroads of a great age” mean?

The phrase “We are at a crossroads of a great age” implies that the current point in time is a significant turning point in history where important decisions and actions will have a profound impact on the future.

It suggests that there are multiple paths to take and options to decide for the future and the outcome of those choices will be pivotal for the direction the society, culture, economy and more will take.

It can be interpreted that the present situation is critical and requires careful consideration and thought before taking any action(chat.openai.com)



What is leadership all about?

What is leadership all about?

Leadership is the ability to guide, motivate, and direct individuals or groups towards a common goal or vision. Effective leaders possess a combination of traits, including strong communication skills, a clear sense of purpose, the ability to inspire and motivate others, and the ability to make difficult decisions. Leadership can take many forms, and the most effective leaders are able to adapt their style to suit the needs of their team or organization. (chat.openai.com)

What is life all about?

What is life all about?

The meaning and purpose of life is a question that has been explored by philosophers, religious figures, and scientists throughout human history, and there are many different answers to this question depending on one’s perspective. Some people believe that life is about finding happiness and fulfillment, while others believe that the purpose of life is to serve a higher power or to contribute to the greater good of society. Some people find meaning in their relationships, others find it through their work or hobbies, and some people find it in their spiritual or religious beliefs. Ultimately, the meaning of life is a personal and individual pursuit, and different people may find it in different ways. (https://chat.openai.com/chat)

医学で特別な意味を持つ英単語 radical

通常、radicalといえば過激なという意味ですが、医学英語でradical cureというと根治治療という意味になります。radical treatmentも同じ意味で、根治治療、根治的治療。感染症であれば病原菌を完全に除去するような治療、がんであれば、がん細胞を根絶するような治療方法というわけです。例文で見ていきましょう。

以下は、論文Single-Dose Tafenoquine to Prevent Relapse of Plasmodium vivax MalariaのAbstractのbackgroundの文章です。

Treatment of Plasmodium vivax malaria requires the clearing of asexual parasites, but relapse can be prevented only if dormant hypnozoites are cleared from the liver (a treatment termed “radical cure”). Tafenoquine is a single-dose 8-aminoquinoline that has recently been registered for the radical cure of P. vivax.


  1. 三日熱マラリア原虫マラリアの再発予防のためのタフェノキン単回投与 Single-Dose Tafenoquine to Prevent Relapse of Plasmodium vivax Malaria NEJM日本国内版

cureは治癒という意味ですが、radical cureといった場合には治療という意味として使われているようです。

幸運を祈ろう。 Knock on wood.

後は運に任せようというとき、アメリカではKnock on wood.と言って木でできたものをコンコンとノックします。日本では、同じようなことは思い浮かびませんね。


Knock on wood.” (Youglish.com)

大坂なおみ選手のツイート anger is a lack of understanding. change makes people uncomfortable.


anger is a lack of understanding. change makes people uncomfortable.



医学英語 挿管する intubate と 生物学用語 インキュベートする incubateが似ている


intubate (youglish.com)


H He Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mag Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca
を水平リーベ僕の舟、七曲シップス クラークか


水素 H hydrogen ハイドロジェン

ヘリウム He helium ヒーリウム

リチウム Li lithium

ベリリウム Be beryllium

ホウ素 B boron

炭素 C  carbon

窒素 N nitrogen

酸素 O oxygen オーキシジェン

フッ素 F fluorine

ネオン Ne neon ニオン

ナトリウム Na sodium

マグネシウム Mg magnesium

アルミニウム Al alminum

ケイ素 Si silicon

リン P phosphorus

硫黄 S sulfur

塩素 Cl chlorine

アルゴン Ar argon

カリウム K potassium

カルシウム Ca calcium