「子供たちは帽子を被っていた。」という場合、Kids wore a hat. と帽子は単数で受けるのか、それとも、Kids wore hats. それとも複数で受けるのでしょうか?
Some of the kids wore hats. (写真) 写真をみると8人の子供のうち3人が帽子を被っています。
Some boys wore a cap or even a bowler type hat, but these would not be worn indoors. (参照元)
The girls were wearing hats. (参照元)
What Is Subject-Complement Agreement? https://www.quickanddirtytips.com/education/grammar/what-is-subject-complement-agreement
【例文】They gave [object] 【解説】the object is singular when the group collectively gives a single thing. (参照元)
【例文】They gave their word. (参照元)【和訳】彼らは約束をした。【解説】彼ら全体として一つの約束をしたということです。wordは、ここでは「約束」という抽象的な言葉です。抽象的な内容を表すので、単数形を用います。抽象的な言葉をあらわす場合にはその名詞を複数形では使いません。
【例文】They gave their lives. (参照元)【和訳】彼らは命を投げ出した。【解説】life(命)はここでは単数形にはならないようです。一人一人の、個別の命だから、と理解すればよいのでしょう。子供たちが帽子を被っていた(Kids wore hats)、という文と同じ理屈です。
【例文】Out of 100 families in the neighbourhood, 45 own radios, 75 have TVs, 25 have VCRs. Only 10 families have all three and each VCR owner also has a TV. If 25 families have radio only, how many have only TV? (英文引用元)
【例文】Recent surveys of infants and toddlers in the US indicate that more than 99 percent of families have TVs in their homes and 74 percent of infants are exposed to TV before the age of two (Rideout and Hamel, 2006). (英文引用元)
【例文】The vast majority of Americans – 95% – now own a cellphone of some kind. The share of Americans that own smartphones is now 77%, up from just 35% in Pew Research Center’s first survey of smartphone ownership conducted in 2011. (英文引用元)