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ジェフ・セッションズ(Jeff Sessions )上院議員の米国司法長官任命を審議するための2017年2月7日の上院議会で、民主党のエリザベス・ウォーレン(Elizabeth Warren-)議員がセッションズ議員の適性に疑義を呈することを目的として、キング牧師の妻コレッタ・スコット・キング(1927–2006)の1986年の手紙を読んだところ、上院規則19条に基づいて発言を制止されたうえ、今後一切の審議に加わることを禁じられるという事件が起こりました。

ミッチ・マコーネル議員が上院規則19条(Rules of the Senate XIX)に基づいて求めたものです。採決で49-43という票の結果により、マコーネル議員の要求が通りました。


No Senator in debate shall, directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator.

という条文があります。報道によれば、マコーネル議員は、ウォーレン議員は“impugned the motives and conduct of our colleague from Alabama.”として、19条の発動を求めました。


impugn〔他動詞〕人の言動などを非難する ;人の能力・誠実さなどに異論を差し挟む 参考:アルク

unbecoming 〔形容詞〕 不適切な unbecoming a Senator 上院議員としてふさわしくない

impute something to somebody (悪い行いに関して)(人を)非難する (Longman Dictionary)

Impute is a somewhat formal word that is used to suggest that someone or something has done or is guilty of something.(Marriam-Webster)

The verb impute can be used to blame someone for doing something bad, (


Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s Floor Speech on Attorney General Nominee Sen. Jeff Sessions

Senator Elizabeth Warren’s full remarks on the floor of the United States Senate on February 7, 2017, about the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions to serve as Attorney General of the United States.


    Dear Senator Thurmond:

    I write to express my sincere opposition to the confirmation of Jefferson B. Sessions as a federal district court judge for the Southern District of Alabama. My professional and personal roots in Alabama are deep and lasting. Anyone who has used the power of his office as United States Attorney to intimidate and chill the free exercise of the ballot by citizens should not be elevated to our courts. Mr. Sessions has used the awesome powers of his office in a shabby attempt to intimidate and frighten elderly black voters. For this reprehensible conduct, he should not be rewarded with a federal judgeship.

    I regret that a long-standing commitment prevents me from appearing in person to testify against this nominee. However, I have attached a copy of my statement opposing Mr. Sessions’ confirmation and I request that my statement as well as this be made a part of the hearing record.

    I do sincerely urge you to oppose the confirmation of Mr. Sessions.


    Coretta Scott King

この冒頭の手紙に、8ページ分の声明(CNN)が続きます。手紙+声明の全文は、ワシントンポスト紙の記事 Read the letter Coretta Scott King wrote opposing Sessions’s 1986 federal nomination 中で読めます。




  1. エリザベス・ウォーレン米国上院議員(ウィキペディア
  2. ジェフ・セッションズ(Jeff Sessions)米国上院議員(1946- ) アラバマ州出身のアメリカ合衆国上院議員。共和党に所属。宗教はメソジスト。(ウィキペディア
  3. ミッチ・マコーネル米国上院議員(ウィキペディア) Mitch McConnell (Wikipedia)
  4. キング牧師:マーティン・ルーサー・キング・ジュニア;Martin Luther King, Jr.1929-1968)
  5. 米上院、ウォーレン議員の参加を禁止-司法長官の承認審議が紛糾(GOP Silences Warren as Debate Over Sessions Turns Bitter (1) Bloomberg Steven T. Dennis)
  6. This Is the Coretta Scott King Letter That Elizabeth Warren Was Prevented From Reading in the Senate (TIME 6:35 AM UTC)
  7. The silencing of Elizabeth Warren and an old Senate rule prompted by a fistfight (The Washington Post February 8 at 5:50 AM By Derek Hawkins )
  8. The Coretta Scott King letter Elizabeth Warren was trying to read (CNN February 8, 2017)
  9. Dems rally around Warren after senator silenced at Sessions nomination debate (FOX NEWS February 08, 2017 By Edmund DeMarche)
  10. Why Elizabeth Warren was accused of ‘impugning’ Jeff Sessions (USA TODAY Published 11:29 p.m. ET Feb. 7, 2017 BY Step Solis)
  11. Senate Republicans silence Elizabeth Warren over letter on Jeff Sessions (The Guardian Wednesday 8 February 2017 04.12 GMT By David Smith in Washington)


更新 20170209 訂正 残りの時間じゅう沈黙させられる⇒今後一切の審議に加わることを禁じられる