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理由を表す”due to”と”for”のニュアンスの違いと使い分け


例文 It has received much attention over the past few decades due to its biodegradable properties, which offer important economic benefits.

質問 due toの代わりにfor も使えるか?


While both “due to” and “for” can link causes, they function differently. “Due to” specifically indicates a direct cause-and-effect relationship, while “for” can be more general, indicating a reason or purpose.

In this case, “due to” is actually more appropriate because the biodegradable properties are directly causing the attention. If we used “for,” it might slightly change the meaning to suggest the attention was purposefully given for those properties, rather than naturally resulting from them.


  • “It has received attention due to its biodegradable properties” (The properties caused the attention)
  • “It has received attention for its biodegradable properties” (The properties are what people chose to pay attention to)

While both could work, “due to” better captures the causal relationship you’re describing. The properties are what directly led to the attention.

なるほどそういうわけだったのですね。勉強になりました。due toは直接的な因果関係を示すのに使うのがよいそうです。それに対して、forは理由を示すといっても、意図的にそうしたといった意味合いが出てくるとのこと。ニュアンスは明らかに違いますね。

英文プレスリリースで、なになに大学のだれそれ教授を英語で書くときのof と at と fromの意味の違いと使い分け方

of と at と fromの使い分けの結論:






  1. 所属が大事なときはof
  2. くだけた文章ならofを使わずにatやfrom
  3. 研究が行われた場所に重きを置く場合はat か。”a study conducted at MIT” という言い方をよく見ることからもそうだろう。
  4. 座長が演者を紹介するときはfrom
  5. プロフィールとして書く文章ならof
  6. 氏名を出さずに研究者+大学ならofは使わなそう(個人名を書かないで、所属を強調する意味がないので)
  7. from は研究グループの存在と大学とが遊離しているように自分には感じる。共同研究者の場合はfromがいいのかも。
  8. a research team led by Prof. XXX at YYY University, in collaboration with Prof. AAA from B University and Prof. CCC from D University のようにat とfromを使った例も見かける。

at を使った例




In the news – research done in collaboration with Brad Nolen at the University of Oregon and supported in part by the NIH and SUNY, Stony Brook University. https://www.facebook.com/uoCHandBIC/posts/in-the-news-research-done-in-collaboration-with-brad-nolen-at-the-university-of-/4233063650068527/?locale=ms_MY

A recent study by researchers at Harvard University sheds light on the relative merits and limitations of these two imaging techniques, providing valuable insights for the scientific community. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1054584

In a study published today [Monday 11 September] in the journal Nature Chemistry, scientists at the University of Southampton, in collaboration with partners at the University of Oxford and ATDBio (a DNA synthesis company based in Southampton and Oxford), demonstrate a purely chemical method for gene assembly which overcomes the limitations of existing methods. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/464088

Scientists at the University of York have played a crucial role in developing a way of using plants to clean up land contaminated by explosives. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/582475

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have developed, in collaboration with researchers in Germany and the U.S., new small antibodies, also known as nanobodies, which prevent the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus from entering human cells. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/626054

In a systematic review of 19 studies and 1.25 million participants, researchers at the University of South Australia along with a team at Curtin University, SAHMRI, Harvard University and others* found that 79% of studies reported reduced academic achievement in children exposed to maternal prenatal smoking. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1055357


Recently, Prof. Jian Wang at Peking University, in collaboration with Prof. QingFeng Sun at Peking University and Prof. Moses Chan at Penn State University, observed a novel voltage signal in the hybrid nanowire structure. Normally, for a superconductor-normal material junction, the voltage across the junction should be zero when the current is not applied. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/617795

Profs. Okujima and Uno, in collaboration with Prof. Kobayashi at Shinshu University, reported their success in the synthesis of diazuliamethyrin, a core-modified hexaphyrin(, and descibed its molecular structure, electronic structure and optical properties. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/941037

A team of researchers, led by Prof. Yolanda Chen at the University of Vermont, shows that even small doses of the neonicotinoid pesticide, imidacloprid, can alter how the beetle manages its DNA. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/633425

The lead contact and corresponding author of this paper, Prof Chunming Wang at the University of Macau, said: https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/804909

New research from a European group of smell disorder experts, including Prof Philpott at the University of East Anglia, shows how smell loss associated with Covid-19 infection differs from what you typically might experience with a bad cold or flu. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/834478

This project was conducted in collaboration with Prof. Yasuyuki Ozeki at The University of Tokyo. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/987057

This all-optical technology is an extension of the digital optical encryption method originally invented by Prof. Sadot and his team in collaboration with Prof. Zalevsky at Bar Ilan University. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/824589

The new research was carried out by a team led by Prof Jason Smith in the Department of Materials, University of Oxford, and Dr Patrick Salter and Prof Martin Booth in the Dept of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Warwick. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/738152

from を使った例



Ladies and gentlemen, now we have come to our main session which consists of a lecture delivered by our guest speaker, the adjunct professor of the faculty of economic and business, Prof. XXX YYY from University of Essex. This session will be led by Ms. AAA BBB who is in charge as our moderator today. https://www.studocu.com/id/document/universitas-negeri-malang/komunikasi-sosialsocial-communication/mc-script-seminar-adjunct-professor/41612433
And also, we welcome all the presenters and participants of International Conference on Technology for Waste and Biomas. Dr. XXX YYY from Edinburgh University, UK. https://www.scribd.com/document/433303304/MC-Script-International-Conference https://www.scribd.com/document/433303304/MC-Script-International-Conference






It was conducted in collaboration with researchers from the University of the Ryukyus, Meio University and Kyoto University. https://sciencesources.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1060229
team of scientists from the University of Washington, Seattle, and the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, has succeeded in creating a new type of enzyme for a reaction for which no naturally occurring enzyme has evolved, by using a combination of novel computational methodologies and molecular in vitro evolution. https://idw-online.de/en/news252044
In a new study published in Quaternary Science Reviews, researchers from The Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History (MPI-SHH), Anna University, and the Indian Institute of Science, Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata document evidence for river activity in the central Thar Desert.  https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/769472
To address the challenges, researchers from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the University of Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University propose a novel simulation platform for ride-sourcing systems on real transportation networks. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1062459
Confirming the findings published earlier this year from researchers from Amsterdam UMC, the University of Auckland and Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1062068
Skoltech scientists in collaboration with researchers from the University of Stuttgart, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the Russian Quantum Center achieved the first systematic experimental measurements of the electrical conductivity of pure interfacial water, hence producing new results significantly extending our knowledge of interfacial water. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/661154
Recently, a research team led by Prof. WANG Feng from the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with Prof. WANG Min from Dalian University of Technology, developed a new method to directly convert bio-polyols into CO. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/935225
The study was done in collaboration with Prof. Tamaki Nakano from Hokkaido university through the Joint Usage/Research Center Program (MEXT). https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/972487
Prof. YU Sixia, Associate Researcher SUN Liangliang and ZHOU Xiang from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), in collaboration with Prof. XU Zhenpeng from Anhui University (AHU) and Armin Tavakoli from Lund University, proposed an approach to quantify entanglement using the standard entanglement witness procedure under three common experimental scenarios. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1041980
Recently, a research team led by Prof. WANG Feng, Dr. LUO Nengchao from the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), in collaboration with Prof. Paolo Fornasiero from University of Trieste, proposed a “C-C bond-first” strategy and realized carbohydrates conversion into C1 liquid hydrogen carriers (LHCs, consisting of HCOOH and HCHO) over Ta-CeO2 photocatalyst. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/979353
The work was performed in collaboration with Prof. David Reguera from the University of Barcelona. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/676452
In collaboration with Prof Dr Wolfgang Schulz from the University Hospital in Düsseldorf, they analysed the behaviour of cultivated cancer cells when OR10H1 is activated by Sandranol. https://e3.eurekalert.org/news-releases/782769
A research team led by Prof. JIANG Ling and Prof. YANG Xueming from the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with Prof. LI  Jun from Tsinghua University, revealed the coexistence of five cubic isomers in the smallest ice cube, including two with chirality. https://e3.eurekalert.org/news-releases/472601
To learn more about the potential therapeutic targets, Vunjak-Novakovic’s team also worked closely with Drs Christine and Jonathan Seidman from Harvard University.  https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1055166
A team led by Prof. NI Yong and Prof. HE Linghui from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) designed a discontinuous fibrous Bouligand (DFB) architecture, a combination of Bouligand and nacreous staggered structures. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/526570
People’s bias toward sacrificing unknown bystanders appears to stem from assuming the unidentified person is an enemy, according to a study published October 23, 2024, in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Scott Danielson from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, and colleagues. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1061682

at とfrom の両方が使われている例


 This new study, led by researchers at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and the Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) in collaboration with experts from the University of Oxford, the University of Victoria, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), aims to fill this gap. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1054826

The study, recently published in Nature Physics, was the result of a collaborative effort involving the research group led by Prof. DU Jiangfeng and Prof. PENG Xinhua at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), along with the theoretical groups of Prof. ZHAI Hui from Tsinghua University and Dr. ZHANG Pengfei from Fudan University. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1061961


Using a novel fabrication technique and state-of the-art equipment, a group led by Dr. Stern at Bar-Ilan University, in collaboration with Prof. David Jamieson from the University of Melbourne (Australia), has successfully overcome a significant hurdle in solving this paradigm. https://www.eurekalert.org/multimedia/970435

Now, in a study published online in the Chemical Engineering Journal, researchers at the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), led by Professor Eijiro Miyako and including Mikako Miyahara, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Tsukuba, Japan, have developed a new method to culture antitumor bacteria using highly porous scaffolds. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1061303

Recently, using the highly sensitive magnetic force microscopy (MFM) system of the Steady High Magnetic Field Facility (SHMFF), along with electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and micromagnetic simulations, a research group led by Prof. LU Qingyou at the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with Prof. XIONG Yimin from Anhui University, achieved the first observation of intrinsic magnetic structures in a kagome lattice. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1061668

This is what emerges from a study published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, conducted by Cristian Balducci, a professor at the Department for Life Quality Studies at the University of Bologna (Rimini Campus), in collaboration with Dr. Luca Menghini from the University of Trento and Prof. Paola Spagnoli from the University of Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1008942



of は「所属」を意味するので、人物がどこの大学に所属しているのかが重要な文脈で使われます。


CAPTION This is Prof. AAA BBB of Tel Aviv University. https://www.eurekalert.org/multimedia/590649

The Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres in Paris has awarded Prof. Israel Finkelstein of Tel Aviv University the prestigious Delalande-Guérineau Prize for his book Le Royaume Biblique Oublié (The Forgotten Kingdom) (Paris, 2013). https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/719584


To analyse the wing structure and function, the study’s lead author, Jakob Faber from the research group led by André Studart, Professor for Complex Materials at ETH Zurich, in collaboration with Prof. Andres Arrieta of Purdue University performed a computer simulation of the wing’s function. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/869547

Research for the study in Pediatrics was conducted in collaboration with Prof. Amir Erez of the University of Florida, Prof. Arieh Riskin of both TAU and Bnai Zion Medical Center, and Dr. Ellen Bamberger of both Bnai Zion Medical Center and the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. Research for the study in Human Relations was conducted in collaboration with Dr. Yihao Liu of the University of Illinois, Dr. Dana Vashdi of the University of Haifa, and Prof. Erez. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/886098

The research was carried out in Prof. Mandel’s lab at the School of Optometry and Vision Science, Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences and the Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (BINA) at Bar-Ilan University’s, in collaboration with Prof. Palanker of Stanford University. The study was conducted by Tamar Arens-Arad in collaboration with Dr. Nairouz Farah, Rivkah Lender, Avital Moshkovitz and Thomas Flores. https://sciencesources.eurekalert.org/news-releases/739282

The study was conducted in collaboration with Prof. Hiroaki Matsunami of Duke University School of Medicine, whose former postdoctoral fellow, Dr. Claire A. de March, led the research together with Agron. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1029866

In this study, Prof. Hirofumi Notsu and a graduate student of Kanazawa University in collaboration with Prof. Kohei Nakajima of the University of Tokyo investigated fluid flow phenomena as a physical system, especially the fluid flow that occurs around a cylinder, which is well understood. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/608863

This research was conducted in collaboration with Prof. Tatsuya Sawasaki of Ehime University, Dr. Yasushi Saeki of Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, Dr. Fumiaki Ohtake of Hoshi University, and Prof. Fuminori Tokunaga of Osaka City University. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/895315

The research was conducted in the laboratory of Prof. Jeffrey Gerst of the Molecular Genetics Department by Rachel Kama and postdoctoral fellow Dr. Vydehi Kanneganti, in collaboration with Prof. Christian Ungermann of the University of Osnabrueck in Germany. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/555176

The study was carried out by a team of researchers led by Prof Andrew Parnell and Dr Dáire Healy of the Hamilton Institute at Maynooth University, in collaboration with Prof Peter Thorne of Maynooth University’s ICARUS Climate Research Centre and Prof Jonathan Tawn of Lancaster University in the UK. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1050118

In collaboration with Prof. Duffau of University of Montpellier, France, this project aims to develop a minimally invasive method for creating functional brain maps using electrical stimulation. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1007738

In collaboration with Prof. Cristina Lemorini of Sapienza University of Rome, the research was led jointly by postdoctoral fellow Dr. Flavia Venditti in collaboration with Profs. Ran Barkai and Avi Gopher. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/582087

That is one finding out of a new study published this week in PLOS Global Public Health by Dennis Kunichoff of Harvard University, and colleagues. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1060153

The Biophysical Society is pleased to announce that Hugo Lachuer, PhD, of the Institut Jacques Monod (CNRS) and Nadab Wubshet, PhD, of the University of Michigan and Harvard University, have been named recipients of the 2025 Outstanding Doctoral Research in Biophysics Award.

“Hugo and Nadab jointly represent the most outstanding work being done by doctoral researchers at this time,” said BPS President Gabriela Popescu of the University of Buffalo.


The study was developed in collaboration with Prof. Dustin Marshall, Monash University, and funded by the Australian Research Council and la Caixa Foundation. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/997248

The study was led by Dr. Meir Finkel of the Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near East Cultures, Tel Aviv University and Prof. Gonen Sharon of the MA Program in Galilee Studies, Tel-Hai College, in collaboration with Prof. Erez Ben-Yosef, Tel Aviv University, Dr. Oded Bar and Dr. Yoav Ben Dor, the Geological Survey of Israel, and Ofir Tirosh, the Hebrew University. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/996080


In close collaboration with Prof. Arjan Kortholt (University of Groningen), the team of Prof. Wim Versées (VIB-VUB) sought a better understanding of LRRK2’s complex structure.  https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/502648


When deciding between “of” and “from” for mentioning a professor’s affiliation, there are some general guidelines to consider. Here’s how to approach this decision:

1. Use “of” (Preferred in most cases):

– “Of” is the more formal and widely accepted preposition for academic affiliations.
– It implies a stronger, more permanent connection between the professor and the institution.
– Example: Dr. Jane Smith, Professor of Biology of Harvard University

2. Use “from” (Less common, but sometimes appropriate):

– “From” can be used in more casual contexts or when emphasizing the professor’s origin or current location.
– It might be preferred when discussing visiting professors or temporary affiliations.
– Example: Dr. John Doe from Stanford University will be giving a guest lecture.

Factors to consider when making your choice:

1. Formality: For formal documents like press releases, academic papers, or official communications, “of” is generally preferred.

2. Institutional preference: Some universities may have specific guidelines for how they want affiliations stated.

3. Context: Consider the tone and purpose of your writing. More formal contexts typically call for “of.

4. Permanence of affiliation: “Of” suggests a more permanent relationship, while “from” might imply a more temporary or loose association.

5. Consistency: Whatever you choose, be consistent throughout your document.

6. Readability: In some cases, “from” might flow better in a sentence. Trust your ear for what sounds most natural.

In most professional and academic contexts, especially for press releases, “of” is the safer and more widely accepted choice. However, if you’re writing for a more casual audience or describing a temporary affiliation, “from” could be appropriate.

When in doubt, check the style guide of the institution you’re writing about or for, or opt for the more formal “of” in professional contexts.


The preposition “at” can also be used when mentioning a professor’s affiliation, though it has a slightly different connotation and usage compared to “of” or “from”. Here’s how “at” is typically used:

1. Usage of “at”:

– “At” is commonly used to indicate where a professor works or teaches.
– It emphasizes the location or institution more than the affiliation itself.
– Example: Dr. Jane Smith, Professor of Biology at Harvard University

2. When to use “at”:

– When describing current employment or position
– When emphasizing the location of the professor’s work
– In less formal contexts or everyday speech

3. Comparison with “of” and “from”:

“Of” implies a stronger affiliation or membership (more formal)
– “From” can suggest origin or a looser association
– “At” focuses on the current workplace or location

4. Examples:

– Dr. John Doe, Professor of Physics at MIT
– Jane Smith teaches Biology at Stanford University

5. Considerations:

– “At” is widely accepted and commonly used in both formal and informal contexts
– It’s often preferred in spoken language and can sound more natural in certain sentences
– Some institutions or style guides may have specific preferences

In press releases, all three prepositions (“of”, “from”, and “at”) can be appropriate, but “of” and “at” are more common. “At” is particularly useful when you want to emphasize where the professor works rather than their formal affiliation.

For example:
“Dr. Sarah Johnson, Professor of Chemistry at Oxford University, has made a groundbreaking discovery.”

Ultimately, the choice between “of”, “from”, and “at” can depend on the specific context, the tone of your writing, and any style guidelines you’re following. In many cases, “at” is a safe and natural-sounding choice that clearly conveys the professor’s workplace.


Here’s how the prepositions “at” and “from” differ when referring to professors and their university affiliations:

“Professor X at [University]”:

  • Indicates current position/employment
  • Emphasizes the present connection
  • More commonly used in formal academic contexts
  • Suggests active engagement with the institution
  • Example: “Professor Suzuki at Tokyo University” implies he currently works there

“Professor X from [University]”:

  • Can suggest representation or origin
  • Sometimes implies speaking/acting on behalf of the institution
  • Can be used when describing someone traveling or presenting
  • May suggest a more temporary or mobile relationship
  • Example: “Professor Suzuki from Tokyo University spoke at the conference” emphasizes he’s representing the institution

Best practices:

  1. Use “at” for:
    • General affiliations
    • Current positions
    • Official documents
    • When listing current workplace
  2. Use “from” for:
    • Conference presentations
    • When emphasizing representation
    • When describing someone’s origin/background
    • News reports about traveling academics


例文:A research team led by Professor AAA BBB at CCC University, in collaboration with Associate Professor DDD EEE and Assistant Professor FFF GGG from HHH University, explored ….

This mixed usage of prepositions in your example is actually appropriate and conveys slightly different nuances:

“Professor AAA BBB at CCC University” – indicates his primary/current affiliation

“Associate Professor DDD EEE and Assistant Professor FFF GGG from HHH University” – indicates they are representing or coming from another institution as collaborators

The different prepositions help readers understand the relationships:

  • “at” shows where the lead researcher is based
  • “from” shows where the collaborators are coming from

This mixed usage effectively communicates that:

  1. The research was led by CCC University (primary institution)
  2. Had collaboration from other institutions (secondary institutions)

So in this case, the mixing of prepositions actually helps clarify the organizational relationships and roles in the collaboration.

共同研究者同士が完全に対等であって、主従の関係を誤解させないようにしたければ、全ての前置詞をat もしくはfrom で統一した方がよいとも(Claude.aiが)言っていました。

of も含めて3つのClaude.aiによるまとめ

The preposition “of” with university affiliations has a slightly different connotation:

“Professor X of [University]”:

  • Suggests a more formal, institutional relationship
  • Often used in very formal academic contexts
  • Can imply the person represents or embodies the institution
  • Sometimes seen as slightly old-fashioned or more traditional
  • Common in British English academic writing
  • Often used in ceremonial contexts

Compared to “at” or “from”:

  • “at” → emphasizes physical/current location
  • “from” → emphasizes origin or representation
  • “of” → emphasizes institutional belonging/membership

In modern academic writing, especially in American English: 特にアメリカ英語に限って言えば

  • “at” is most common 最も一般的
  • “of” is more formal/traditional 保守的
  • “from” is more casual/contextual カジュアルもしくは文脈による

None of these choices is incorrect, but they carry slightly different tones. For a press release, either “at” or “of” would be appropriate, while maintaining consistency throughout would be ideal.

of, from, atの使い分けに関するChatGPT 4oによるまとめ

特にプレスリリースの文章を書く際の話ですが、良く悩むof, at, fromの使い分けを纏めておきます。

In a press release for academic research news, the most appropriate preposition depends on the context. Here’s a quick guide:

  • “Of”: Used when indicating that someone is affiliated with a specific university.
    • Example: “Dr. John Smith of Harvard University has discovered…”
  • “At”: Used to indicate the place where someone works or conducts research.
    • Example: “Dr. Jane Doe at Stanford University has conducted research on…”
  • “From”: Used when referencing someone who is presenting findings or discussing work in the context of a specific institution.
    • Example: “Researchers from Oxford University presented their findings at the conference…”

For a formal press release, “of” or “at” is most commonly used, while from” is often appropriate when talking about collaborations or presenting findings.





Now, in a recently published Nature paper, JILA and NIST Fellow and University of Colorado Boulder Physics Professor Jun Ye and his team, along with collaborators in Mikhail Lukin’s group at Harvard University, used periodic microwave pulses in a process known as Floquet engineering, to tune interactions between ultracold potassium-rubidium molecules in a system appropriate for studying fundamental magnetic systems. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/1057817


al’Absi is a professor and founding director of Duluth Medical Research Institute at the University of Minnesota Medical School–Duluth Campus. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/725935







a や theなどの冠詞が出て来たら、次に名詞が来ることを予測する。






It was found that と来たらthat節なので次に完全な文が来ることを期待する。





However, とか、 in turn とか、converselyなど、標識になる語句が出てきたときはもちろん、その接続後に合わせて先を予測することになります。






The slang terms for menarche (a girl’s first menstruation) tend to vary widely depending on region, culture, and personal preferences. Some common slang expressions include:

General Slang Terms:

  1. “Starting your period”: A straightforward phrase that is widely understood and gender-neutral.
  2. “Getting your first period”: Another neutral and commonly used term.
  3. “Becoming a woman”: Often used to signify the transition into womanhood, although it’s considered outdated or overly simplistic in many contexts.
  4. “The curse”: An older slang term that some people use humorously or with a negative connotation.
  5. “Getting the red badge” or “Red visitor”: Refers to the color of menstrual blood, used playfully.

Slang Specific to Menarche:

Menarche-specific slang terms are relatively rare, as most slang about menstruation focuses on periods in general rather than the first occurrence. However, some expressions might include:

  • “Joining the club”: Referring to the shared experience of menstruation among people who menstruate.
  • “Aunt Flo’s first visit”: A lighthearted reference to the beginning of menstrual cycles.
  • “Getting the red letter”: Another reference to the first arrival of menstruation.
  • “Hitting the cycle”: Slang referring to starting menstrual cycles for the first time.

In contrast to coitarche, which has more direct and varied slang, menarche tends to be described with euphemisms or phrases that address menstruation as a whole.


The slang term for coitarche (the first occurrence of sexual intercourse) is most commonly referred to as “losing one’s virginity.” This phrase is widely used to describe a person’s first experience of sexual intercourse. Other casual or slang terms for this include:

  • Popping the cherry: Refers to the first sexual experience, often used in a more vulgar context.
  • Doing it for the first time: A more neutral way of expressing the idea.
  • Going all the way: Refers to completing sexual intercourse for the first time.
  • Breaking the seal: Similar to “popping the cherry,” but can sometimes be used in different contexts.

The terminology can vary depending on the context and cultural background, but these are some of the common slang expressions associated with coitarche.

The slang terms like “losing one’s virginity”, “going all the way,” and “doing it for the first time” are gender-neutral and can refer to both men and women. These phrases are commonly used to describe the first experience of sexual intercourse for any individual, regardless of gender.

However, some expressions such as “popping the cherry” or “breaking the seal” have historically been more associated with women due to their reference to the breaking of the hymen, which is a physical phenomenon sometimes (but not always) related to a woman’s first experience with vaginal intercourse.

In contrast, expressions like “scoring” or “getting laid” have sometimes been used more in reference to men, reflecting a historically different way of talking about male and female sexual experiences. But these terms are increasingly being used in a gender-neutral manner.

In short, most modern slang is becoming more inclusive and less gender-specific, but the context and choice of words can still carry gendered connotations depending on how they are used.


The term “spermarche” refers to the first ejaculation experienced by a male, usually during puberty. However, unlike terms for menarche or first intercourse, there is no widely established slang specifically for spermarche. The event itself is less commonly discussed in popular culture or casual conversation, so slang references are rare.

Some Possible Slang Terms or Expressions:

  1. “Wet dream”: This term is often used to describe a nocturnal emission, which is how spermarche frequently occurs for boys.
  2. “First time busting a nut”: A crude slang expression for ejaculation that might occasionally be used.
  3. “Hitting puberty”: Though not specific to spermarche, it is a common way of referring to the onset of puberty and the related bodily changes.
  4. “First squirt”: A very informal and less common expression, referring specifically to the first ejaculation.

Unlike the female counterpart (menarche), spermarche is generally not given a dedicated term in everyday conversation. Instead, people usually talk about “starting puberty” or “getting a wet dream” to refer to this stage of development.

ちなみに「夢精」は英語で “wet dream” と言います。通常、思春期の男児や成人男性が睡眠中に性的な夢を見て、無意識のうちに精液を放出する現象を指します。英語圏でもこの言葉が一般的に使われます。より医学的な表現としては、”nocturnal emission” という言い方があります。


  • “He had his first wet dream at the age of 13.”
  • “Nocturnal emissions are a normal part of male puberty.”


射精は英語で “ejaculation” と言います。医学的にも日常的にも使用される正式な言葉です。男性が性的興奮のピークに達した際、精液を放出することを意味します。


“Ejaculation is a normal physiological response.”

“He experienced ejaculation for the first time during puberty.”



  • “Cum” is a slang term referring to semen or the act of ejaculation during sexual activity. It is often used informally and is considered vulgar or inappropriate in formal settings. For example:
    • “He cummed” means “He ejaculated.”
  • It is also used to describe reaching the peak of sexual pleasure (climax) for both men and women, though it is more often associated with male ejaculation.

例文:”He didn’t want to cum too quickly.”


女性の場合、膣からの分泌物を「おりもの」と言いますが、それに対応する英語はvaginal dischargeと言います。

例文:”If you notice an unusual vaginal discharge, it may be a sign of an infection.” おりものの状態が普段と異なる場合、それは感染症の兆候かもしれません。


The @Dodgers are on top thanks to who else? ドジャーズが1位なのは大谷選手のおかげ


それを評したツイートが、上です。The @Dodgers are on top thanks to who else? ぱっと見てわかりにくかったので解剖してみたいと思います。なぜ自分にわかりにくかったというと、top thanksがなんとなくひとまとまりに感じられてしまったからです。それじゃ意味をなしません。なぜそう感じたかというとtopがここでは名詞(首位)なのに、形容詞に感じてしまったんですね。英語の勘が鈍っていたようです。毎日英語に接するという地道な努力、習慣化が大事。

be on top は首位にいるということ。thanks to 人  は、その人のおかげ という意味。 who else は、厳密に文法に従えば whom elseですが、口語的なくだけた言い方の場合はwhomにかわってwho が使われることが多いです。

この文を文字通り訳すと、ドジャーズが首位なのは誰のおかげ? という疑問文なのですが、それが大谷選手であることは読み手の誰もがわかっていることなので、意訳して、 ドジャーズが首位なのはこの人のおかげ という意味になります。






  1. Paul Skenes went right after Shohei Ohtani. The result was a brilliant bit of baseball theater Updated Jun. 5, 2024 11:58 p.m. GMT-4 share share on facebook facebook share on x x share on reddit reddit share on link link Associated Press Paul Skenes went right after Shohei Ohtani. The result was a brilliant bit of baseball theater | FOX Sports
  2. Paul Skenes went right after Shohei Ohtani. The result was a brilliant bit of baseball theater Paul Skenes went right after Shohei Ohtani. The result was a brilliant bit of baseball theater (clickondetroit.com)

H&Mの広告が炎上:Make those heads turn in H&M’s Back to School fashion



turn somebody’s headto be attractive in a romantic or sexual way

例文 She turned heads whenever she walked into a room.




turn (people’s) heads if something turns people’s heads, they are surprised by it

例文 It did turn some heads when he moved back to the village.




  1. H&M、制服姿の女児の広告を撤回 ⇒ 目立った抗議理由は「性的表現」よりも「ルッキズム助長」だった(オーストラリア) 2/16(金) 20:05 BuzzFeed Japan

YOASOBI IDLE(アイドル)の英語バージョン

YOASOBI / Idol (「アイドル」English Ver. ) Ayase / YOASOBI チャンネル登録者数 636万人

上の動画が公式な英語版で、英訳はKonnie Aoki氏によるもの。歌っているのはIkura本人です。

下の道具は@sayriris さんによる英訳。YOUTUBEの欄に英語も全部掲載されています。

Idol (English Cover)「Oshi no Ko OP」【Will Stetson】「アイドル – 推しの子」 Will Stetson チャンネル登録者数 67.3万人


  • https://www.uta-net.com/song/335761/


  1. https://genius.com/Yoasobi-idol-english-version-lyrics


Idol (YOASOBI) ♥ English Cover【rachie】 アイドル rachie チャンネル登録者数 45万人