
every dayとeverydayの違い

毎日 every day (副詞)

毎日 everyday (名詞、形容詞)


【例文】My life is the same every day (eat, sleep, and go to school). (引用元:quora.com) 私の生活は毎日おんなじです(食べて、寝て、学校に行くだけ)。*every day 副詞

【例文】I work out regularly, read books every day, eat healthy, and sleep well. (引用元:quora.com)私は規則的に運動し、毎日本を読み、ヘルシーなものを食べ、十分な睡眠をとります。

【例文】What is everyday life like for a billionaire? 億万長者の毎日ってどんな生活なの? *形容詞

【例文】Everyday makes history.  毎日(1日1日)が歴史を作る。 *名詞


私の通っている学校 を英語で?attend と go to

学校に通うは attend や go to が使えます。

【例文】The School that I attend. 私の通う学校。(引用元:https://archinect.com/forum/thread/52730/the-school-that-i-attend

【例文】The private school that I go to is called Abundant Life Christian Academy. (引用元:Wooded Sanctuary 著者: Dylan Stevens グーグルブックス)

【例文】My name is Marcelo. I am 18 years old. I love the school that I go to… I’ve been a part of Generación for 9-10 years.(引用元:http://www.kinkadefamilyfoundation.org/sponsor-a-childs-education/

【例文】Bartow High is a school that I go to on a daily basis because I attend Summerlin Academy (A sub-school to Bartow High) (引用元:https://www.niche.com/k12/bartow-senior-high-school-bartow-fl/reviews/



class (授業)を使った英語の例

【例文】You won’t remember me, but I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your class. 引用元:グーグル検索結果 UMSL Daily (blog)2017/09/11)



【例文】I’m writing just a quick note to say that I throughly enjoyed your class and it was never a chore to attend a class. (引用元:http://www.ilkathiessen.com/personal-letters)




【例文】I see Mt. Fuji every day, but I’ve never climbed it. (引用元:高校入試 英語のコンビニ 会話文流れをつかめばしめたもの 文理編集部 編集)

例文】She models, she hosts TV shows, but this summer Araceli Segarra returns to her first love with an assault on K2, the world’s deadliest mountain. Only five women have ever climbed it – and not one of them is still alive. (引用元:TheGardian.com)

【例文】One Sherpa has climbed it 13 times. (引用元:TheGardian.com)

【解説】climbed itのitは、K2という山を指しています。

例文】This mountain is one of the biggest Alpine climbs in Europe. It has a very famous north face route – but it’s also notoriously dangerous. It was one of the last great parts of the Alps to be unlocked (first climbed in 1938). I have climbed it a couple of times – it’s wonderful in good conditions, but it has its own weather system and it can become very dangerous very quickly. (引用元:https://www.redbull.com/us-en/kenton-cool-hardest-mountains-to-climb
