





  • 1891年に米国ホイットコム・ジャドソン氏が、靴ヒモを結ぶ不便さを解決しようと考えたものがファスナーの起源
  • 1921年に米国のメーカーが、閉める時の「シューッ」という擬音の「Zip」からファスナーを「ジッパー」と命名し、その呼び名も浸透
  • 1927年に尾道で「巾着(きんちゃく)」からもじって、ファスナーを「チャック印」として販売したところ評判になり、「チャック」という名前が定着 (ykk.co.jp)

3つは同じものだそうです。ただしチャックだけは、カタカナですが、英語ではなく日本語です。チャックのことは、英語でzipperと言います。zipというのは弾丸が飛ぶシュッという擬音語だったり、素早く進むことを意味する英語です。ファスナーをさっ(zip)と閉める(fasten)ことができるから「ジッパー」(zipper)なんですね。ところで、fastener は、締め具(2つのものを締め付けて固定するため)という意味で使われて、具体的にいうとナットとボルトを指したりします。正確にいうと、ナットとボルトは、締め具(fastener)の一種で、他にもいろいろな形状の部品がありえます。日本語でいうファスナーは、zipできるfastener、”zip fastener”と呼ばれるようです。zip fastenerだと長いので、zipperのほうが一般的なのでしょう。


A bolt is a form of threaded fastener with an external male thread. Bolts are closely related to, and often confused with, screws.



  1. Why Zippers Have YKK on Them and What Completely Different Colour Carrots Were Before the 1700s 

エーリッヒ・フロム『愛するということ』(The Art of Loving)で学ぶ高校英語文法・構文の重要事項のまとめ

The Art of Lovingは古今東西を問わず読まれているベストセラーであり、人間が生きる目的が何なのかを説いています。高校生にとっては若干、チャレンジングだとは思いますが、どうせ英語の勉強をするのなら中身の濃い題材に取り組んでみるのも悪くないと思います。以下に、英文法速習のためのまとめを作ってみます。(適宜付け足す予定)。

エーリッヒ・フロム『愛するということ』(The Art of Loving)のオーディオブック

Erich Fromm – The Art of Love (1989)


エーリッヒ・フロム『愛するということ』(The Art of Loving)の原文(英文のフルテキスト)






【例文】Care, responsibility, respect and knowledge are mutually interdependent. 気遣うこと、責任、尊敬、知識、これらは互いに関係しあっている。






【例文】Honey symbolizes the sweetness of life, the love for it and the happiness in being alive. Most mothers are capable of giving “milk,” but only a minority of giving “honey” too. In order to be able to give honey, a mother must not only be a “good mother,” but a happy person — and this aim is not achieved by many. The effect on the child can hardly be exaggerated. Mother’s love for life is as infectious as her anxiety is. 強調されすぎることはない




【例文】What is giving? 【和訳】与えるということはどういうことか?
【例文】What is the outcome?【和訳】結果は何ですか?




否定の命令文をつくるときには、Do not + 動詞の原形、または、Never + 動詞の原形の形をとります。

【例文】Never put off till tomorrow the fun you can have today. 【和訳】今日楽しめることを、決して明日に延ばすな。











【例文】Freud has been criticized for his overevaluation of sex.






【例文】In "love" one has found, at last, a haven from aloneness.











【例文】The child, while now living outside of the womb, is still completely dependent on mother. But daily he becomes more independent : he learns to walk, to talk, to explore the world on his own; the relationship to 
mother loses some of its vital significance, and instead the relationship to father becomes more and more important.

【例文】To love somebody is not just a strong feeling — it is a decision, it is a judgment, it is a promise. 誰かを愛するということは、単なる強い感情というものではない。それは決心であり、判断であり、約束なのだ。









【例文】In essence, all human beings are identical. We are all part of One; we are One. This being so, it should not make any difference whom we love. 意味は、「そういうわけなので、」くらいでしょうか。
【例文】The God of Abraham can be loved, or feared, as a father, sometimes his forgiveness, sometimes his anger being the dominant aspect.
この文ではhis forgivenessとhis angerは分詞構文の主語になっています。

【例文】Granted that love for oneself and for others in principle is conjunctive, how do we explain selfishness, which obviously excludes any genuine concern for others? 
【解説】上の分詞構文は、かりに通常の文にするとすれば、If it was granted that ... と考えればよいでしょう。grant の意味は、ここでは、「仮に~だと認める」ということです。
もし通常の分詞構文の形に書くとすれば、It being granted that ... あるいは、It being taken granted that ... になります。それをさらに省略した形と理解すればよいでしょう。




the more …, the more …

【例文】The more I know what God is not, the more knowledge I have of God.

【例文】But the more the human race emerges from these primary bonds, the more it separates itself from the natural world, the more intense becomes the need to find new ways of escaping separateness.





関係代名詞のwhich に前置詞などの語句がくっつく例

【例文】If the social structure is one of submission to authority — overt authority or the anonymous authority of the market and public opinion, 
his concept of God must be infantile and far from the mature concept, the seeds of which are to be found in the history of monotheistic religion. 
【解説】whichが単独で関係代名詞として使われる文には慣れている人でも、of whichとなった途端に苦手意識が湧いてしまう人もいるかもしれません。ましてや、この例文はさらに名詞までくっついて、
the seeds of whichとなっています。しかし、おそるるに足りません。関係代名詞を理解する基本原則、すなわち、もともとあった2つの文から出発して、それを関係代名詞を用いてひとつの文にする、
文1: His concept of God must be infantile and far from the mature concept.
文2: The seeds of the mature concept are to be found in the history of monotheistic religion. 
次に、文1と文2で同じものを指している名詞を探すとthe mature conceptなので、第2文のほうはそれを関係代名詞whichに変えて、2つの文をドッキングさせるだけです。
His concept of God must be infantile and far from the mature concept, the seeds of which are to be found in the history of monotheistic religion.



that which = what

whatと同じ意味になる、that whichが比較的古い英文では見受けられます。現代的な表現にするなら、関係詞whatで置き換えればよいでしょう。

【例文】God becomes to him a symbol in which man, at an earlier stage of his evolution, 
has expressed the totality of that which man is striving for, the realm of the spiritual world, of love, truth and justice.



【例文】In contrast to brotherly love and erotic love which are love between equals, the relationship of mother and child is by its very nature one of inequality,

where one needs all the help, and the other gives it.



The relationship of mother and child is inequality. 母と子との関係は一方的である。

In the relationship of mother and child, one needs all the help, and the other gives it. 母と子の関係において、一方(子)は助けが全部必要で、他方(母)はそれを与える。


The relationship of mother and child is inequality, where one needs all the help, and the other gives it. となるわけです。





【例文】Whosoever saves a single life is as if he had saved the whole world;
whosoever destroys a single life is as if he had destroyed the whole world.

【例文】If it is there, it is like a blessing; if it is not there, 
it is as if all beauty had gone out of life — and there is nothing I can do to create it. 

【例文】Freud holds that the selfish person is narcissistic, 
as if he had withdrawn his love from others and turned it toward his own person.

【例文】The beginning of the practice of concentration will be difficult; it will appear as if one could never achieve the aim.



【例文】To love God, if he were going to use this word, would mean, then, to long for the attainment of the full capacity to love, for the realization of that which "God" stands for in oneself. 
【例文】Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love. Can one say more about the practice of faith? Someone else might; if I were a poet or a preacher, I might try. But since I am not either of these, I cannot even try to say more about the practice of faith, but am sure that anyone who is really concerned can learn to have faith as a child learns to walk. 

【例文】To respect a person is not possible without knowing him; If care and responsibility would be blind if they were not guided by knowledge. Knowledge would be empty if it were not motivated by concern. 

【例文】Responsibility could easily deteriorate into domination and possessiveness, were it not for a third component of love, respect.

as if 節の中が仮定法ではなく、通常の直説法の例

as ifときたら必ず仮定法になるわけではありません。

【例文】It seems, though, as if the proportion between masters and dilettantes is more heavily weighted in favor of the dilettantes 
in the art of loving than is the case with other arts.













【例文】Mother's love is bliss, is peace, it need not be acquired, it need not be deserved. But there is a negative side, too, to the unconditional quality of mother's love. Not only does it not need to 
be deserved — it also cannot be acquired, produced, controlled.

【例文】Closely related to the development of the capacity of love is the development of the object of love. これは倒置で、C+S+Vの形になっている。Cが長いこと、および強調したいというのが倒置される理由。


【例文】What Freud, paradoxically enough, ignores, is the psycho-biological aspect of sexuality, the masculine-feminine polarity, and the desire to bridge this polarity by union.



【例文】In the nature of fatherly love lies the fact that obedience becomes the main virtue, that disobedience is the main sin — and its punishment the withdrawal of fatherly love. 
【解説】この文では、the factと、接続詞 thatがつくる名詞節とが同格の関係になっている。







【例文】It is the attitude which instills in the child a love for living, which gives him the feeling: it is good to be alive, it is good to be a little boy or girl, it is good to be on this earth! 生きていること、男の子や女の子でいること、地球上に存在すること、というto不定詞の名詞的用法と、形式主語となっているITに注意しましょう。 文の冒頭のItは、強調構文(It is ~ that/which …)の構成要素のItです。



【例文】The mother must not only tolerate, she must wish and support the child's separation. It is only at this stage that motherly love becomes such a difficult task, that it requires unselfishness, the ability to give everything and to want nothing but the happiness of the loved one. It is also at this stage that many mothers fail in their task of motherly love.

強調構文かそれとも形式主語のItからなる構文かを見分けるのは簡単で、強調構文であれば、It is … that を取り払ったときに、完全な文が残ります。上の例文でためしに取り払って語順を戻してみると

Motherly love becomes such a difficult task only at this stage.

It requires unselfishness, the ability to give everything and to want nothing but the happiness of the loved one only at this stage.

Many mothers fail in their task of motherly love also at this stage.








prevent ~ from -ing  ~がーするのを妨げる
【例文】In the ideal case, mother's love does not try to prevent the child from growing up, does not try to put a premium on helplessness.
【例文】Altogether, the effect of the "unselfish" mother is not too different from that of the selfish one; indeed, it is often worse, 
because the mother's unselfishness prevents the children from criticizing her.
【例文】Fear of or hatred for the other sex are at the bottom of those difficulties which prevent a person from giving himself completely, 
from acting spontaneously, from trusting the sexual partner in the immediacy and directness of physical closeness.



等位接続詞というのは、結ばれる2つのもの(文、節、句、単語)が対等なものです。例えば、2つの文をANDで結ぶ場合、このANDは等位接続詞と呼ばれます。oranges and apples のように2つの単語を対等な関係でつないだ場合も同様です。

等位接続詞 and

【例文】He has little connection with the child in the first years of its life, and his importance for the child in this early period cannot be compared with that of mother.

等位接続詞 but

【例文】Love is not the result of adequate sexual satisfaction, but sexual happiness— even the knowledge of the so-called sexual technique — is the result of love.




【例文】If a person loves only one other person and is indifferent to the rest of his fellow men, his love is not love but a symbiotic attachment, or an enlarged egotism.

【例文】If I perceive in another person mainly the surface, I perceive mainly the differences, that which separates us.


【例文】But while the data of psychoanalytic therapy point to the fallacy of the idea that knowledge of the correct sexual technique leads to sexual happiness and love, 
the underlying assumption that love is the concomitant of mutual sexual satisfaction was largely influenced by the theories of Freud. 
But while the data point to the fallacy, the underlying assumption was largely influenced by the theories of Freud.




【例文】Shoes, useful and needed as they may be, have no economic value (exchange value) if there is no demand for them on the market.





  1. 総合英語フォレスト 第6版 石黒昭博 監修 桐原書店

レオ・ブスカーリア(Leo Buscaglia)さんの「Born for Love」ツアー講演会動画(57:43)

葉っぱののフレディー(原題:The Fall of Freddie the Leaf)の著者、レオ・ブスカーリア(Leo Buscaglia)さんの講演の模様です。葉っぱのフレディからは想像がつかないくらいに、熱く、激しい人です。

Leo Buscaglia – Born for Love



  1. Leo Buscaglia: Born For Love KVIE PBS Preview 4:56


日本語にはない英語の「完了形」は、日本人が英語を学ぶ上でひとつのハードルになっていると思います。しかし、完了形があらわす概念をつかめれば、それほど難しいものではありません。YOUTUBE動画に優れた教材があったので、これを見ながら現在完了形(Present Perfect Tense)を学びましょう。

English grammar in use: Using Present Perfect Tense

完了形の作り方 構文

現在完了形の肯定文(affirmative sentence) 主語+have + 過去分詞 (past participle)

現在完了形の否定文(negative sentence) 主語+have + not + 過去分詞

現在完了形の疑問文 (question) Have + 主語+過去分詞






例文: 「俺、その映画、前に観たよ。」 I have seen that film before.


例文:スペインに行ったことがある。I have been in Spain. (注意:何年に行った、と時期を明示する場合には現在完了形は用いません)



例文:子供のときからここに住んでいるよ。I have lived here since I was a child.

例文:おとといからずっと具合が悪いんだ。I have been ill since the day before yesterday.



例文:財布をなくしてしまった(ので、今お金がない!)I have lost my wallet.


例文:新車買ったんだ! I have just bought a new car!



例文:スペインに行ったことがある。I have been in Spain. (注意:何年に行った、と時期を明示したい場合には、現在完了形は使えないので過去形で表します。 I visited Spain in 2002.)


  • in 2017
  • Yesterday
  • One year ago
  • Last week
  • At that moment
  • That day
  • One day




例文:マイクを今日見かけた? Have you seen Mike today? (注意:今日という日はまだ終わっていないので、現在完了形といっしょに使える)

例文:今週あたらしい車を買ったんだ。We have bought a new car this week. (注意:話しているのは今週で、買ったのも今週で、まだ今週は終わっていないので、現在完了形とともに使える)。



  • Ever
  • Never
  • Once
  • Many times
  • Several times
  • Before
  • So far
  • Already
  • Yet


What Is the scariest story you have ever heard? (nytimes.com) 今まで聞いたなかで一番怖かった話って何ですか?

I have never been abroad. (alc.co.jp)

葉っぱのフレディー The Fall of Freddie the Leaf 英語原文全文和訳および解説












The Fall of Freddie the Leaf: A Story of Life for All Ages, by Leo Buscalgia 


このタイトルは日本語にしにくいです。The Fallは文字通り、フレディーという名前の葉っぱが秋になって落葉してしまうこと、つまり「落下」なわけですが、それだとあまり文学的に響きません。邦訳のタイトルとしては、Fallを訳さずに「葉っぱのフレディー」としたのは正解なのでしょう。





Spring had passed. So had Summer. Freddie, the leaf, had grown large. His mid section was wide and strong, and his five extensions were firm and pointed. He had first appeared in Spring as a small sprout on a rather large branch near the top of a tall tree.


【解説】So had Summer. のSo は前の文を受けており、夏も過ぎた(つまり季節は秋になった) という意味になります。春が過ぎて、夏が来た というわけではないことに注意。


Freddie was surrounded by hundreds of other leaves just like himself, or so it seemed. Soon he discovered that no two leaves were alike, even though they were on the same tree. Alfred was the leaf next to him. Ben was the leaf on his right side, and Clare was the lovely leaf overhead. They had all grown up together. They had learned to dance in the Spring breezes, bask lazily in the Summer sun and wash off in the cooling rains.


But it was Daniel who was Freddie’s best friend. He was the largest leaf on the limb and seemed to have been there before anyone else. It appeared to Freddie that Daniel was also the wisest among them. It was Daniel who told them that they were part of a tree. It was Daniel who explained that they were growing in a public park. It was Daniel who told them that the tree had strong roots which were hidden in the ground below. He explained about the birds who came to sit on their branch and sing morning songs. He explained about the sun, the moon, the stars, and the seasons.



Freddie loved being a leaf. He loved his branch, his light leafy friends, his place high in the sky, the wind that jostled him about, the sun rays that warmed him, the moon that covered him with soft, white shadows. Summer had been especially nice. The long hot days felt good and the warm nights were peaceful and dreamy. There were many people in the park that Summer. They often came and sat under Freddie’s tree. Daniel told him that giving shade was part of his purpose.


“What’s a purpose?” Freddie had asked.


“A reason for being,” Daniel had answered. “To make things more pleasant for others is a reason for being. To make shade for old people who come to escape the heat of their homes is a reason for being. To provide a cool place for children to come and play. To fan with our leaves the picnickers who come to eat on checkered tablecloths. These are all the reasons for being.”


Freddie especially liked the old people. They sat so quietly on the cool grass and hardly ever moved. They talked in whispers of times past. The children were fun, too, even though they sometimes tore holes in the bark of the tree or carved their names into it. Still, it was fun to watch them move so fast and to laugh so much.



But Freddie’s Summer soon passed. It vanished on an October night. He had never felt it so cold. All the leaves shivered with the cold. They were coated with a thin layer of white which quickly melted and left them dew drenched and sparkling in the morning sun. Again, it was Daniel who explained that they had experienced their first frost, the sign that it was Fall and that Winter would come soon.


Almost at once, the whole tree, in fact, the whole park was transformed into a blaze of color. There was hardly a green leaf left. Alfred had turned a deep yellow. Ben had become a bright orange. Clare had become a blazing red, Daniel a deep purple and Freddie was red and gold and blue. How beautiful they all looked. Freddie and his friends had made their tree a rainbow.


“Why did we turn different colors,” Freddie asked, “when we are on the same tree?”


“Each of us is different. We have had different experiences. We have faced the sun differently. We have cast shade differently. Why should we not have different colors?” Daniel said matter-of-factly. Daniel told Freddie that this wonderful season was called Fall.



One day a very strange thing happened. The same breezes that, in the past, had made them dance began to push and pull at their stems, almost as if they were angry. This caused some of the leaves to be torn from their branches and swept up in the wind, tossed about and dropped softly to the ground. All the leaves became frightened.


“What’s happening?” they asked each other in whispers.



“It’s what happens in Fall,” Daniel told them. “It’s the time for leaves to change their home. Some people call it to die.”


“Will we all die?” Freddie asked.


“Yes,” Daniel answered. “Everything dies. No matter how big or small, how weak or strong. We first do our job. We experience the sun and the moon, the wind and the rain. We learn to dance and to laugh. Then we die.”


“I won’t die!” said Freddie with determination. “Will you, Daniel?”


“Yes,” answered Daniel, “when it’s my time.”


“When is that?” asked Freddie.


“No one knows for sure,” Daniel responded.


Freddie noticed that the other leaves continued to fall. He thought, “It must be their time.” He saw that some of the leaves lashed back at the wind before they fell, others simply let go and dropped quietly. Soon the tree was almost bare.


“I’m afraid to die,” Freddie told Daniel. “I don’t know what’s down there.”


“We all fear what we don’t know, Freddie. It’s natural,” Daniel reassured him. “Yet, you were not afraid when Summer became Fall. They were natural changes. Why should you be afraid of the season of death?”


“Does the tree die, too?” Freddie asked.


“Someday. But there is something stronger than the tree. It is Life. That lasts forever and we are all a part of Life.”


“Where will we go when we die?”「死んだらぼくらはどこへ行くの?」

“No one knows for sure. That’s the great mystery!” 「誰にもはっきりとはわからない。それはとって不思議なことなんだ。」

“Will we return in the Spring?” 「春には戻って来るの?」

“We may not, but Life will.” 「僕らは戻らないかもしれない、けれどいのちは戻ってくる。」

“Then what has been the reason for all of this?” Freddie continued to question. “Why were we here at all if we only have to fall and die?” 「だったら今までの事全ては何のためだったの?」フレディは質問し続けました。「もしどうせ死ぬだけなんだとしたら、なぜ自分たちはここにいたの?」

Daniel answered in his matter-of-fact way, “It’s been about the sun and the moon. It’s been about happy times together. It’s been about the shade and the old people and the children. It’s been about colors in Fall. It’s been about seasons. Isn’t that enough?”


“That afternoon, in the golden light of dusk, Daniel let go. He fell effortlessly. He seemed to smile peacefully as he fell. “Goodbye for now, Freddie,” he said.


Then, Freddie was all alone, the only leaf on his branch. The first snow fell the following morning. It was soft, white, and gentle; but it was bitter cold. There was hardly any sun that day, and the day was very short. Freddie found himself losing his color, becoming brittle. It was constantly cold and the snow weighed heavily upon him.


At dawn the wind came that took Freddie from his branch. It didn’t hurt at all. He felt himself float quietly, gently and softly downward. As he fell, he saw the whole tree for the first time. How strong and firm it was! He was sure that it would live for a long time and he knew that he had been part of its life and made him proud.


Freddie landed on a clump of snow. It somehow felt soft and even warm. In this new position he was more comfortable than he had ever been. He closed his eyes and fell asleep. He did not know that Spring would follow Winter and that the snow would melt into water. He did not know that what appeared to be his useless dried self would join with the water and serve to make the tree stronger. Most of all, he did not know that there, asleep in the tree and the ground, were already plans for new leaves in the Spring.




  1. The Fall of Freddie the Leaf:A Story of Life for All Ages, by Leo Buscalgia https://achievebalance.com/spirit/theleaf.htm 原文はここから拝借した。
  2. New Horizon Book 3 The Fall of Freddie the Leaf 中学の教科書に掲載された、平易に書き換えられた英文およびその和訳







教育基本法 Basic Act on Education / Fundamental Law of Education

教育基本法 Basic Act on Education / Fundamental Law of Education


出典 English: http://www.mext.go.jp/b_menu/kihon/data/07080117.htm


我々日本国民は、たゆまぬ努力によって築いてきた民主的で文化的な国家を更に発展させるとともに、世界の平和と人類の福祉の向上に貢献することを願うものである。We, the citizens of Japan, desire to further develop the democratic and cultural state we have built through our untiring efforts, and contribute to the peace of the world and the improvement of the welfare of humanity.
我々は、この理想を実現するため、個人の尊厳を重んじ、真理と正義を希求し、公共の精神を尊び、豊かな人間性と創造性を備えた人間の育成を期するとともに、伝統を継承し、新しい文化の創造を目指す教育を推進する。To realize these ideals, we shall esteem individual dignity, and endeavor to bring up people who long for truth and justice, honor the public spirit, and are rich in humanity and creativity, while promoting an education which transmits tradition and aims at the creation of a new culture.
ここに、我々は、日本国憲法の精神にのっとり、我が国の未来を切り拓 (ひら)く教育の基本を確立し、その振興を図るため、この法律を制定する。We hereby enact this Act, in accordance with the spirit of the Constitution of Japan, in order to establish the foundations of education and promote an education that opens the way to our country’s future.

第一章 教育の目的及び理念 Chapter . Aims and Principles of Education

(教育の目的)(Aims of Education)

第一条 教育は、人格の完成を目指し、平和で民主的な国家及び社会の形成者として必要な資質を備えた心身ともに健康な国民の育成を期して行われなければならない。
Article 1
Education shall aim for the full development of personality and strive to nurture the citizens, sound in mind and body, who are imbued with the qualities necessary for those who form a peaceful and democratic state and society.

(教育の目標)(Objectives of Education)

第二条 教育は、その目的を実現するため、学問の自由を尊重しつつ、次に掲げる目標を達成するよう行われるものとする。
Article 2
To realize the aforementioned aims, education shall be carried out in such a way as to achieve the following objectives, while respecting academic freedom:
一 幅広い知識と教養を身に付け、真理を求める態度を養い、豊かな情操と道徳心を培うとともに、健やかな身体を養うこと。
( ) to foster an attitude to acquire wide-ranging knowledge and culture, and to seek the truth, cultivate a rich sensibility and sense of morality, while developing a healthy body.
二 個人の価値を尊重して、その能力を伸ばし、創造性を培い、自主及び自律の精神を養うとともに、職業及び生活との関連を重視し、勤労を重んずる態度を養うこと。
( ) to develop the abilities of individuals while respecting their value; cultivate their creativity; foster a spirit of autonomy and independence; and foster an attitude to value labor while emphasizing the connections with career and practical life.
三 正義と責任、男女の平等、自他の敬愛と協力を重んずるとともに、公共の精神に基づき、主体的に社会の形成に参画し、その発展に寄与する態度を養うこと。
( ) to foster an attitude to value justice, responsibility, equality between men and women, mutual respect and cooperation, and actively contribute, in the public spirit, to the building and development of society.
四 生命を尊び、自然を大切にし、環境の保全に寄与する態度を養うこと。
( ) to foster an attitude to respect life, care for nature, and contribute to the protection of the environment.
五 伝統と文化を尊重し、それらをはぐくんできた我が国と郷土を愛するとともに、他国を尊重し、国際社会の平和と発展に寄与する態度を養うこと。
( ) to foster an attitude to respect our traditions and culture, love the country and region that nurtured them, together with respect for other countries and a desire to contribute to world peace and the development of the international community.

(生涯学習の理念)(Concept of Lifelong Learning)

第三条 国民一人一人が、自己の人格を磨き、豊かな人生を送ることができるよう、その生涯にわたって、あらゆる機会に、あらゆる場所において学習することができ、その成果を適切に生かすことのできる社会の実現が図られなければならない。
Article 3
Society shall be made to allow all citizens to continue to learn throughout their lives, on all occasions and in all places, and apply the outcomes of lifelong learning appropriately to refine themselves and lead a fulfilling life.

(教育の機会均等)(Equal Opportunity in Education)

第四条 すべて国民は、ひとしく、その能力に応じた教育を受ける機会を与えられなければならず、人種、信条、性別、社会的身分、経済的地位又は門地によって、教育上差別されない。
Article 4
Citizens shall all be given equal opportunities to receive education according to their abilities, and shall not be subject to discrimination in education on account of race, creed, sex, social status, economic position, or family origin.
2 国及び地方公共団体は、障害のある者が、その障害の状態に応じ、十分な教育を受けられるよう、教育上必要な支援を講じなければならない。
(2) The national and local governments shall provide support in education to persons with disabilities, to ensure that they are given adequate education in accordance with their condition.
3 国及び地方公共団体は、能力があるにもかかわらず、経済的理由によって修学が困難な者に対して、奨学の措置を講じなければならない。
(3) The national and local governments shall take measures to provide financial assistance to those who, in spite of their ability, encounter difficulties in receiving education for economic reasons.

第二章 教育の実施に関する基本 Chapter . Basics of Education Provision

(義務教育)(Compulsory Education)

第五条 国民は、その保護する子に、別に法律で定めるところにより、普通教育を受けさせる義務を負う。
Article 5
Citizens shall be obligated to have children under their protection receive a general education pursuant to the provisions of other acts.
2 義務教育として行われる普通教育は、各個人の有する能力を伸ばしつつ社会において自立的に生きる基礎を培い、また、国家及び社会の形成者として必要とされる基本的な資質を養うことを目的として行われるものとする。
(2) The objectives of general education, given in the form of compulsory education, shall be to cultivate the foundations for an independent life within society while developing the abilities of each individual, and to foster the basic qualities necessary for those who form our state and society.
3 国及び地方公共団体は、義務教育の機会を保障し、その水準を確保するため、適切な役割分担及び相互の協力の下、その実施に責任を負う。
(3) In order to guarantee the opportunity for compulsory education and ensure adequate standards, the national and local governments shall assume responsibility for the implementation of compulsory education through appropriate role sharing and mutual cooperation.
4 国又は地方公共団体の設置する学校における義務教育については、授業料を徴収しない。
(4) No tuition fee shall be charged for compulsory education in schools established by the national and local governments.

(学校教育)(School Education)

第六条 法律に定める学校は、公の性質を有するものであって、国、地方公共団体及び法律に定める法人のみが、これを設置することができる。
Article 6
The schools prescribed by law shall be of a public nature, and only the national government, local governments, and juridical persons prescribed by law shall be entitled to establish them.
2 前項の学校においては、教育の目標が達成されるよう、教育を受ける者の心身の発達に応じて、体系的な教育が組織的に行われなければならない。この場合において、教育を受ける者が、学校生活を営む上で必要な規律を重んずるとともに、自ら進んで学習に取り組む意欲を高めることを重視して行われなければならない。
(2) The schools set forth in the preceding paragraph shall, in order to fulfill the objectives of education, provide a structured education in an organized way suited to the mental and physical development of the recipients. It shall be carried out in a way that emphasizes instilling the recipients with respect for the discipline necessary to conduct school life, and strengthening their own motivation to learn.


第七条 大学は、学術の中心として、高い教養と専門的能力を培うとともに、深く真理を探究して新たな知見を創造し、これらの成果を広く社会に提供することにより、社会の発展に寄与するものとする。
Article 7
Universities, as the core of scholarship activities, shall cultivate advanced knowledge and specialized skills, inquire deeply into the truth and create new knowledge, while contributing to the development of society by broadly disseminating the results of their activities.
2 大学については、自主性、自律性その他の大学における教育及び研究の特性が尊重されなければならない。
(2) University autonomy, independence, and other unique characteristics of university education and research shall be respected.

(私立学校)(Private Schools)

第八条 私立学校の有する公の性質及び学校教育において果たす重要な役割にかんがみ、国及び地方公共団体は、その自主性を尊重しつつ、助成その他の適当な方法によって私立学校教育の振興に努めなければならない。
Article 8
Taking into account the public nature of privately established schools and their important role in school education, the national and local governments shall endeavor to promote private school education through subsidies and other appropriate means, while respecting school autonomy.


第九条 法律に定める学校の教員は、自己の崇高な使命を深く自覚し、絶えず研究と修養に励み、その職責の遂行に努めなければならない。
Article 9
Teachers of the schools prescribed by law shall endeavor to fulfill their duties, while being deeply conscious of their noble mission and continuously devoting themselves to research and self-cultivation.
2 前項の教員については、その使命と職責の重要性にかんがみ、その身分は尊重され、待遇の適正が期せられるとともに、養成と研修の充実が図られなければならない。
(2) Considering the importance of the mission and duties of the teachers set forth in the preceding paragraph, the status of teachers shall be respected, their fair and appropriate treatment ensured, and measures shall be taken to improve their education and training.

(家庭教育)(Education in the Family)

第十条 父母その他の保護者は、子の教育について第一義的責任を有するものであって、生活のために必要な習慣を身に付けさせるとともに、自立心を育成し、心身の調和のとれた発達を図るよう努めるものとする。
Article 10
Mothers, fathers, and other guardians, having the primary responsibility for their children’s education, shall endeavor to teach them the habits necessary for life, encourage a spirit of independence, and nurture the balanced development of their bodies and minds.
2 国及び地方公共団体は、家庭教育の自主性を尊重しつつ、保護者に対する学習の機会及び情報の提供その他の家庭教育を支援するために必要な施策を講ずるよう努めなければならない。
(2) The national and local governments shall endeavor to take necessary measures supporting education in the family, by providing guardians with opportunities to learn, relevant information, and other means, while respecting family autonomy in education.

(幼児期の教育)(Early Childhood Education)

第十一条 幼児期の教育は、生涯にわたる人格形成の基礎を培う重要なものであることにかんがみ、国及び地方公共団体は、幼児の健やかな成長に資する良好な環境の整備その他適当な方法によって、その振興に努めなければならない。
Article 11
Considering the importance of early childhood education as a basis for the lifelong formation of one’s personality, the national and local governments shall endeavor to promote such education by providing an environment favorable to the healthy growth of young children, and other appropriate measures.

(社会教育)(Social Education)

第十二条 個人の要望や社会の要請にこたえ、社会において行われる教育は、国及び地方公共団体によって奨励されなければならない。
Article 12
The national and local governments shall encourage education carried out among society, in response to the demands of individuals and the community as a whole.
2 国及び地方公共団体は、図書館、博物館、公民館その他の社会教育施設の設置、学校の施設の利用、学習の機会及び情報の提供その他の適当な方法によって社会教育の振興に努めなければならない。
(2) The national and local governments shall endeavor to promote social education by establishing libraries, museums, community halls and other social education facilities, opening the usage of school facilities, providing opportunities to learn, relevant information, and other appropriate means.

(学校、家庭及び地域住民等の相互の連携協力)(Partnership and Cooperation among Schools, Families, and Local Residents)

第十三条 学校、家庭及び地域住民その他の関係者は、教育におけるそれぞれの役割と責任を自覚するとともに、相互の連携及び協力に努めるものとする。
Article 13
Schools, families, local residents, and other relevant persons shall be aware of their respective roles and responsibilities regarding education, and endeavor to develop partnership and cooperation.

(政治教育)(Political Education)

第十四条 良識ある公民として必要な政治的教養は、教育上尊重されなければならない。
Article 14
The political literacy necessary for sensible citizenship shall be valued in education.
2 法律に定める学校は、特定の政党を支持し、又はこれに反対するための政治教育その他政治的活動をしてはならない。(2) The schools prescribed by law shall refrain from political education or other political activities for or against any specific political party.

(宗教教育)(Religious Education)

第十五条 宗教に関する寛容の態度、宗教に関する一般的な教養及び宗教の社会生活における地位は、教育上尊重されなければならない。
Article 15
The attitude of religious tolerance, general knowledge regarding religion, and the position of religion in social life shall be valued in education.
2 国及び地方公共団体が設置する学校は、特定の宗教のための宗教教育その他宗教的活動をしてはならない。
(2) The schools established by the national and local governments shall refrain from religious education or other activities for a specific religion.

第三章 教育行政 Chapter . Education Administration

(教育行政)(Education Administration)

第十六条 教育は、不当な支配に服することなく、この法律及び他の法律の定めるところにより行われるべきものであり、教育行政は、国と地方公共団体との適切な役割分担及び相互の協力の下、公正かつ適正に行われなければならない。
Article 16
Education shall not be subject to improper control and shall be carried out in accordance with this and other acts; education administration shall be carried out in a fair and proper manner through appropriate role sharing and cooperation between the national and local governments.
2 国は、全国的な教育の機会均等と教育水準の維持向上を図るため、教育に関する施策を総合的に策定し、実施しなければならない。
(2) The national government shall comprehensively formulate and implement education measures in order to provide for equal opportunities in education and to maintain and raise education standards throughout the country.
3 地方公共団体は、その地域における教育の振興を図るため、その実情に応じた教育に関する施策を策定し、実施しなければならない。
(3) The local governments shall formulate and implement education measures corresponding to regional circumstances in order to promote education in their respective regions.
4 国及び地方公共団体は、教育が円滑かつ継続的に実施されるよう、必要な財政上の措置を講じなければならない。
(4) The national and local governments shall take necessary financial measures to ensure the smooth and continuous provision of education.

(教育振興基本計画)(Basic Plan for the Promotion of Education)

第十七条 政府は、教育の振興に関する施策の総合的かつ計画的な推進を図るため、教育の振興に関する施策についての基本的な方針及び講ずべき施策その他必要な事項について、基本的な計画を定め、これを国会に報告するとともに、公表しなければならない。
Article 17
In order to facilitate the comprehensive and systematic implementation of measures for the promotion of education, the government shall formulate a basic plan covering basic principles, required measures, and other necessary items in relation to the promotion of education. It shall report this plan to the Diet and make it public.
2 地方公共団体は、前項の計画を参酌し、その地域の実情に応じ、当該地方公共団体における教育の振興のための施策に関する基本的な計画を定めるよう努めなければならない。
(2) Local governments, referring to the plan set forth in preceding paragraph, shall endeavor to formulate a basic plan on measures to promote education corresponding to regional circumstances.

第四章 法令の制定Chapter . Enactment of Laws and Regulations

第十八条 この法律に規定する諸条項を実施するため、必要な法令が制定されなければならない。
Article 18
Laws and regulations necessary to implement the provisions stipulated in this Act shall be enacted.

附 則 抄

1 この法律は、公布の日から施行する。

以下の動画はアメリカの話。オバマ大統領がNo Child Left Behindポリシーにのっとり、新しい法律を制定したという内容。



00:13 The major advantage that humans have over every other species is our ability to think rationally. It’s allowed us to build cities cars computers, and essentially bend nature to our will. The quality with which we think determines the quality of our future. It’s undeniable. Quality thinkers are critical thinkers.

In my last essay you may have seen that after the first two years of college, 45% of students showed no gains in critical thinking. 45% that’s almost half. It’s frightening because the same system that made our cities so powerful. School is now becoming a system of Indoctrination for our young the quality of our future is defined by the quality of our thinkers. The quality of our thinkers is determined by their abilities to think critically. Before we can dive deeper into critical thinking we need to discuss rational thinking.


So let’s define rational thinking. A perfectly rational being which doesn’t exist makes decisions purely based on logic, data, and empirical evidence. Let’s assume that it’s the highest form of conscious thought. Critical thinking can be seen as a necessary step towards perfectly rational thinking. A critical thinker thinks offensively. They take active ownership of their learning and understanding. Just as a bodybuilder finds a natural habitat in the gym the critical thinker finds enjoyment in mental strain. They know a tough mental workout will strengthen their ability to think rationally. A passive thinker thinks defensively. How can I fit in? What will make people accept me? What will help me pass this test? They avoid mental strain and outsource the difficult thinking to others. They default on the opinion of experts, instead of forming their own. A critical thinker thinks in terms of systems. But a passive thinker thinks in terms of goals.


The passive thinker asks what will get me an A on this essay. The critical thinker asks what are the traits of an excellent essay. The end result for both is the same. A perfect grade. On the surface, the two paths may seem the same but they’re not. The critical thinker formed a system that can reproduce the same result in multiple situations for various people. But passive  thinker achieves the result in a specific scenario. The passive thinker is focused on outputs while the critical thinker is focused on inputs. This is a very subtle, but important difference in character.


So what benefits do habitually critical thinkers obtain over others?

Firstly, they’re better at decision making critical thinkers are less likely to make sudden judgments without a clear understanding of the information at hand. As a result, they’re less likely to make irrational and emotional decisions or be manipulated by others.

Secondly, they’re more empathetic. Critical thinkers understand that we all have our own unique view of the world. They avoid judging others until they have attempted to step into their shoes and try to understand how they see the world. This ability helps them diffuse tense situation and aids in persuasion. It’s an essential skill for any great leader or teammate. Critical thinkers are deeper learners. When they don’t know something, critical thinkers admit that they don’t know. They only speak on topics that they have actively studied for themselves.

And lastly, critical thinkers are more creative. Without critical thinking, creativity would not exist. If creativity is the creation of something original, then critical thinking is a crucial part of the recipe. Critical thinkers refuse to blindly accept the ideas and values of others, which results in the generation of new ideas.


So critical thinking is important and beneficial, but how does one become a critical thinker? That’s what we’ll discuss in the next video.

「鍵をなくしました。」を英語でいうときの注意 完了形と過去形の決定的な違いについて

“I have lost my key.”

I am still looking for my key. 私はまだカギを探しています。
I cannot find my key. カギが見つかりません。

I lost my key.

I loved her.

教員試験面接質問予想問答集 英語で


Lucy Kellaway: I’m becoming a teacher at 58 – this is why you should too.

Why Become A Teacher?

0:34 (KayCee Militante, ESL/Bilingual) I can’t really think of any other jobs that are as meaningful as teaching that leave a lasting impression like teaching does.

Why teach? “I want to be a teacher when I grow up because I enjoy teaching my friends”

0:06 Why would you like to become a teacher? なぜ教師になりたいと思うの?
0:27 What would be good about being a teacher? 教師という職業のどういうところが良いと思いますか?
0:50 What would be difficult about eing a teacher? 教師という職業のどういうところが大変だと思いますか?
1:11 Waht qualities make a good taecher? どんな素養が教師という職業には必要だと思いますか?

下の動画では何人かの人が「どうして教師になろうと思ったのですか?」という質問に答えています。P.E.Teacherというのは体育の先生。P.E.は、Physical Educationの略です。
Why did you want to become a Teacher