
英検1級面接試験対策 トピック「リーダーシップの条件」



  • There are many different leadership styles. (0:33)
  • There are four elements that you can work on. (0:45)

1. Creating a vision

  • The first element is creating a vision. (0:46)
  • Your vision is a clear picture of where you see yourself and your team going in the future (0:50)
  • Your vision needs to be ambitious but still attainable. (0:55)
  • It needs to be rich, vivid, and exciting, so that your team will actually want to go there with you. (1:02)

2. Motivation and inspiration

  • The next element to work on is how you motivate and inspire people. (1:07)
  • Anyone can have a vision, but a true leader has the ability to motivate and inspire others so that they want to deliver that vision.(1:15)
  • One way to do this is through Expectancy Theory. (1:18)
  • This is where you link two different expectations clearly. (1:24)
  • One is the expectation that hard work leads to good results. (1:29)
  • The other is that good results lead to rewards. (1:32)
  • Expectancy Theory motivates people to work hard because they expect to enjoy the rewards at the end. (1:40)

3. Delivery of the vision

  • The third element to transformational leadership is managing the delivery of the vision. (1:50)
  • This element involves the real nuts and bolts of managing people. (1:55)
  • You need to know how to set performance goals, how to manage a project, and how to manage change effectively. (2:01)

4. Coaching and development

  • The last element to transformational leadership involves coaching and development. (2:07)
  • Knowing how to coach and develop others is incredibly important in leadership. (2:13)
  • Many great leaders put the needs of their team above their own. (2:15)
  • This creates an environment of trust and mutual respect. (2:21)
  • You can help set the direction for your team, inspire them, and help them do the right thing to move forward. (2:41)

What is Leadership? Learn What Makes a Good Leader

英検1級面接対策 トピック「インターネットが社会や個人の生活に与えた影響」

Social Media: The Double Edged Sword | Danya Bashir | TEDxLimassol

Finding the me in social media | Jana Webb | TEDxKelowna

A year offline, what I have learned | Paul Miller | TEDxEutropolis

How social media makes us unsocial | Allison Graham | TEDxSMU



  1. Social Media Timeline: Russell Thomas at TEDxFortMcMurray YOUTUBE  喋り方がドラマチックで、飽きずに聞きける。

  2. Social Media is the new Junk Food: Alexander Steinhart at TEDxEutropolis YOUTUBE

英検一級面接対策 トピック「人生における成功とは」 TEDに学ぶ

What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness | Robert Waldinger

英検一級面接対策 トピック「銃規制の是非」

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Awesome Gun Control Debate (15:26)

Debunking Gun Control Arguments


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In search of truth – Truth, as seen by an American journalist | Jake Adelstein | TEDxHaneda



The New Censorship Joel Simon talked about his book, The New Censorship: Inside the Global Battle for Media Freedom, in which he examines the targeting of journalists by governments around the world, including the U.S. government.

https://www.c-span.org/video/?322577-1/book-discussion-new-censorship (1:00:34)