KIMTECH SCIENCE* KIMWIPES* Delicate Task Wipers are designed specifically for critical environments. These wipers are soft and non-abrasive, safe for most delicate surfaces and easily wipe up liquid and dust. Low level of lint makes them ideal for use on delicate parts and instruments such as electrical and electronic equipment, optical products and laboratory equipment.
状態を表す動詞なのに進行形を取りうるのはどういう場合かに関しては、文法書に説明があります。それは、そういう状態が強まっているという意味においてです。Advanced Grammer in Useの2ページには、心理状態を表す動詞が進行形を取る例として、I am regretting … を挙げています。後悔の念が強まっているという意味になります。
I’m loving it.も同様に理解するならば、
ただし、英語教育者の中には「I’m loving it. 」という言い方は間違いであって、こんな大企業が平気でこんなフレーズを使うのはけしからんという人もいます。
Present Simple verb tense | Present simple English verb
【例文】They gave their word. (参照元)【和訳】彼らは約束をした。【解説】彼ら全体として一つの約束をしたということです。wordは、ここでは「約束」という抽象的な言葉です。抽象的な内容を表すので、単数形を用います。抽象的な言葉をあらわす場合にはその名詞を複数形では使いません。
【例文】They gave their lives. (参照元)【和訳】彼らは命を投げ出した。【解説】life(命)はここでは単数形にはならないようです。一人一人の、個別の命だから、と理解すればよいのでしょう。子供たちが帽子を被っていた(Kids wore hats)、という文と同じ理屈です。
【例文】Out of 100 families in the neighbourhood, 45 own radios, 75 have TVs, 25 have VCRs. Only 10 families have all three and each VCR owner also has a TV. If 25 families have radio only, how many have only TV? (英文引用元)
【例文】Recent surveys of infants and toddlers in the US indicate that more than 99 percent of families have TVs in their homes and 74 percent of infants are exposed to TV before the age of two (Rideout and Hamel, 2006). (英文引用元)
【例文】The vast majority of Americans – 95% – now own a cellphone of some kind. The share of Americans that own smartphones is now 77%, up from just 35% in Pew Research Center’s first survey of smartphone ownership conducted in 2011. (英文引用元)
After being penalised for throwing her racket early in the second set:
This is unbelievable. Every time I play here I have problems.
I didn’t get coaching, I didn’t get coaching. I didn’t get coaching. You need to make an announcement that I didn’t get coaching. I don’t cheat, I didn’t get coaching. How can you say that?
You owe me an apology. You owe me an apology. I have never cheated in my life. I have a daughter and I stand for what is right for her and I’ve never cheated. You owe me an apology.
After being broken to trail 4-3 in the second set:
I never got coaching. I explained that to you and for you to attack my character then something is wrong. You’re attacking my character. Yes you are. You owe me an apology.
You will never, ever, ever be on another court of mine as long as you live.You are the liar. When are you going to give me my apology? You owe me an apology.
Say it, say you’re sorry. Then don’t talk to me, don’t talk to me. How dare you insinuate I was cheating? You stole a point from me.You’re a thief too.
After being docked a game:
Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Because I said you were a thief? You stole a point from me. I’m not a cheater. I told you to apologize to me. Excuse me I need the referee, I don’t agree with that.
With tournament referees:
This is not right. INAUDIBLE. He said I was being coached but I was not being coached. That’s not right. You know me. You know my character. This is not fair. This has happened to me too many times. This is not fair. To lose a game for saying that is not fair. Do you know how many men do things that are much worse than that? This is not fair.
There are a lot of men out here that have said a lot of things and because they are a man it doesn’t matter. This is unbelievable. No I don’t know the risk because if I say a simple thing, a thief, because he stole a point from me.
There are men out here that do a lot worse and because I’m a woman you’re going to take this away from me. That is not right. And you know it and I know you can’t admit it, but I know you know that is not right. I know you can’t change it but I’m just saying that is not right.
I get the rules but I’m just saying it’s not right. It happens to me at this tournament every single year and it’s not fair. That’s all I have to say.
Post-match press conference:
I can’t sit here and say I wouldn’t say he’s a thief, because I thought he took a game from me.
But I’ve seen other men call other umpires several things. I’m here fighting for women’s rights and for women’s equality and for all kinds of stuff. For me to say ‘thief’ and for him to take a game, it made me feel like it was a sexist remark. He’s never taken a game from a man because they said ‘thief’. It blows my mind.
I just feel like the fact that I have to go through this is just an example for the next person that has emotions, and that wants to express themselves, and wants to be a strong woman.
They’re going to be allowed to do that because of today. Maybe it didn’t work out for me, but it’s going to work out for the next person.
(11:10) You know, it used to be that in order to have a polite conversation, we just had to follow the advice fo Henry Higgins in “My Fair Lady”: Stick to the weather and your health. 【可算】
(10:14) A conversation requires a balance between talking and listening, and somewhere along the way, we lost that balance. 【可算】
(9:12) Is there any 21st-century skill more important than being able to sustain coherent,confident conversation? これは、sustain a conversation(会話を続ける 参照:ALC.COM)という言い方があることから、単にうっかりaが落ちただけかもしれません。後から推敲される文章ではないので、こういうことは起こると思います。
(8:54) I talk to people that I like. I talk to people that I don’t like. I talk to some people that I disagree with deeply on a personal level. But I still have a great conversation with them.
(7:43) We’ve all had really great conversations. 【可算】
(7:25) So I have 10 basic rules. I’m going to walk you through all of them, but honestly, if you just choose one of them and master it, you’ll already enjoy better conversations. 【可算】
(6:45) If you want to get out of the conversation, get out of the conversation. 【定冠詞】
(6:23) You need to enter every conversation assuming that you have something to learn. 【可算】
(4:30) We’re sitting there having a conversation with someone. 【可算】
(3:20) Conversations are not a promotional opportunity.【可算】
(3:06) Especially in work conversations or in conversations with our kids, we have a point to make, so we just keep rephrasing it over and over. Don’t do that.【可算】
(1:39) It takes effort and energy to actually pay attention to someone, but if you can’t do that, you’re not in a conversation. 【可算】
(1:06) A good conversation is like a miniskirt; short enough to retain interest, but long enough to cover the subject.
Celeste Headlee TED 10 ways to have a better conversation
We live in a technological world in which we are always communicating and yet we have sacrificed conversation for mere connection. We turn away from each other and toward our phones. 【不可算】
So the case she makes for the decline of conversation in our digital age is not merely her opinion; the research is solid and her analysis of the declining capacities for solitude, empathy, and engagement with the “messiness” of reality is careful and comprehensive. 【不可算】
If we think we might be interrupted, we keep conversation light, on topics of little controversy or consequence. And conversations with phones on the landscape block empathic connection. 【不可算】および【可算】
The distraction, comfort, and efficiency of technology won’t allow conversation to do the work it can do. 【不可算】