



Tales from the Arabian

ナレーターがTavia Gilbertという人。朗読がうまいし声をきれいで聴きやすいのでとても気に入りました。気に入ったナレーターのオーディオブックを聞きまくるというのも一つの方法かなと思います。今まで10個くらいオーディオブックを買いましたが、UNABRIDGEDだと本まるまる一冊朗読して5時間半とかありますので、相当朗読が良くてもだんだん声とか口調に飽きてきてしまいます。


Tavia Gilbertさんはこんな人。大学で演劇の勉強をしてたみたいです。道理で読むのがうまい。






* トランスクリプトがあるので聞き取りができたかチェックができる
* 録音が極めて良くて聞きやすい
* かなり早口なので本物の英語に耳を慣らすにはもってこい
* 日本人でも混乱する文法事項を明快に整理できる





【例文】The desk is made of wood. その机は木製である。


【例文】This desk is made from reclaimed wood. その机は再利用した木から作られている。


~の情報、~についての情報(information )を英語で?前置詞は何 information on? about? of? for?



information of?
information about?
information on?
information for?



information on/about ~:~の情報;に関する情報
例:information on prepositions 前置詞の情報
例:Personal information on each student is retained for up to two years 各学生の個人情報は最高2年間保存されます
例:Information about applying for a License To Carry Firearms 火器所有許可証の申請に関する情報
例:The personal information about each user is stored on servers 各ユーザーに関する個人情報はサーバーに保管されています


information for ~:~の情報;に関する情報;に対する情報
例:pricing information for comparable products 類似商品の価格情報
例:additional acquisition information for each image 各画像の補足的画像取得情報
例:health information for your destination あなたの渡航先の医療保険情報
例:more information for each country 各々の国のさらなる情報
例:Days Inn Privacy policy: We establish and maintain a file of Personal Information for each Customer.デイズインプライバシーポリシー:我々は各宿泊客の個人情報のファイルを作成し維持します。
例:Nearly every organization maintains address information for each customer or client.ほとんどの会社が一人ひとりの顧客やクライエントの住所情報を保持しています。

forには、a train for Tokyo(東京行きの電車)という言い方からもわかるように、「方向」の意味があります。上の例ではいずれも、~に対する情報という「方向性」があることがわかります。


例:work schedules and other personal information of foreign dignitaries 外国高官の職務スケジュールおよびその他の個人情報
例:Enter the personal information of each Annual Passholder. 各々の通年パスホルダーの個人情報を入力してください。




英語学習者が陥りやすい間違った勉強法、それが of=の と覚えるやり方です。このように本来全く異なる言語である英語と日本語を1対1に対応させて覚えてしまうと、全く応用が効かなくなります。前置詞は、日本語にあてはめて覚えるのではなく、その前置詞が表す意味、その前置詞が表すイメージで覚えましょう。






Thank you very much.  Prime Minister Abe, on behalf of the American people, I welcome you to the very famous White House.  You honor us with your presence.  This is one of our earliest visits from a foreign leader, and I am truly glad that it could be from such an important and steadfast ally.

The bond between our two nations, and the friendship between our two peoples, runs very, very deep.  This administration is committed to bringing those ties even closer.  We are committed to the security of Japan and all areas under its administrative control, and to further strengthening our very crucial alliance.

The U.S.-Japan alliance is the cornerstone of peace and stability in the Pacific region.  It is important that both Japan and the United States continue to invest very heavily in the alliance to build up our defense and our defensive capabilities, which, under our mutual leadership, will become stronger and stronger, and, as time goes by, ultimately they will be impenetrable.

We face numerous challenges, and bilateral cooperation is essential.  Our country is committed to being an active and fully engaged partner.  We will work together to promote our shared interests, of which we have many in the region, including freedom from navigation and of navigation, and defending against the North Korean missile and nuclear threat, both of which I consider a very, very high priority.

On the economy, we will seek a trading relationship that is free, fair and reciprocal, benefitting both of our countries.  The vibrant exchange between us is a true blessing.  Japan is a proud nation with a rich history and culture, and the American people have profound respect for your country and its traditions.  I also want to take this opportunity, Mr. Prime Minister, to thank you and the people of Japan for hosting our armed forces.

Working together, our two countries have the ability to bring greater harmony, stability and prosperity to the Pacific region and beyond, improving countless lives in the process.  We are committed to that goal — highly committed.

Prime Minister Abe, on behalf of the United States of America, I thank you for being with us today.  We will soon be traveling to the great state of Florida, where I know we will have a long and very successful talk, negotiations, and a very, very productive weekend.



  1. Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Abe of Japan in Joint Press Conference (The White House Office of the Press Secretary For Immediate Release February 10, 2017)
  2. U.S.-Japan Relations President Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held a joint news conference at the White House. (C-SPAN February 10, 2017) 動画

ドナルド・トランプ氏の「ロシア文書」(the Russia dossier)の少なくとも一部は事実であることが裏づけられる



⇒ バスフィードが公開したロシア文書に関する記事


CNN Reports US Investigators Have Corroborated Some Parts of Russia Dossier

上のニュース動画に対応したCNNの記事:US investigators corroborate some aspects of the Russia dossier (By Jim Sciutto and Evan Perez, CNN Updated 2225 GMT (0625 HKT) February 10, 2017)


  • corroborate 証拠を挙げて~が真実であることを裏付ける (参考:アルク)
  • dossier 調査書類


ロシア当局にとって成果を生んだのは、(中略)トランプの個人的な執着及び性的倒錯を利用することであった〉 との前置きに続き、〈具体的には、トランプが嫌悪していたオバマ大統領夫妻が、ロシア公式訪問の際に宿泊したとトランプが承知していたモスクワのリッツカールトンホテルのプレジデンシャルスイートルームで、多くの売春婦を雇い、眼前で“ゴールデンシャワー”(放尿ショー)を行わせることで、オバマ大統領夫妻が寝たベッドを汚したという〉〈このホテルはロシア連邦保安庁の監督下にあり、必要とあらば何でも記録できるよう、すべてのメインルームには、マイクロフォンと隠しカメラが仕掛けられていた (ロシアで売春婦を雇って… トランプの「ゴールデンシャワー」文書(週刊新潮2017年1月26日号 掲載)


However, there were other aspects to TRUMP’s engagement with the Russian authorities. One which had borne fruit for them was to exploit TRUMP’s personal obsessions and sexual perversion in order to obtain suitable ‘kompromat’ (compromising material) on him. According to Source D, where s/he had been present, TRUMP’s (perverted) conduct in Moscow included hiring the presidential suite of the Ritz Carlton Hotel, where he knew President and Mrs OBAMA (whom he hated) had stayed on one of their official trips to Russia, and defiling the bed where they had slept by employing a number of prostitutes to perform a ‘golden showers’ (urination) show in front of him. The hotel was known to be under FSB control with microphones and concealed cameras in all the main rooms to record anything they wanted to.


  • engagement 約束;契約
  • bear fruit  実を結ぶ
  • exploit  (資源などを)利用する
  • obsession 執着
  • perversion 曲解;乱用;性的倒錯 pervert 誤用する;曲解する
  • compromise 名声や名誉を傷つける
  • defile  汚す、けがす
  • prostitute  売春婦
  • golden showers ゴールデンシャワー 性的な行為の一環としての排尿行為
  • urination 排尿
  • concealed camera 隠しカメラ
  • blackmail 脅迫する;ゆする

アメリカの大統領の性的に倒錯した行為を隠し撮りしたビデオテープをロシアの大統領が持っていて、それを材料にアメリカの大統領を脅迫して思い通りに動かそうとしているのだとしたら、まさに事実は小説より奇なり(Truth is stranger than fiction)ですね。ロシアが隠し撮りしたドナルド・トランプ氏のセックステープが流出するようなことになれば、さすがにトランプ政権は持ちこたえられないのではないでしょうか。

ロシア文書 (the Russia dossier)を読みあげてくれている人がいたので、そのYOUTUBE動画を紹介します。文書を目で追いながら音声が聞けるようになっています。ロシア文書でリスニングの勉強をしましょう。
MI6 Agent Steele’s Dossier on Trump, Putin & Russia // by ScottManJO



  1. トランプ氏とロシアめぐる疑惑文書 BuzzFeedによる全文公開とその反応 (BuzzFeed 2017/01/12 17:15)
  2. トランプ氏のロシア関連文書、著者は元英秘密情報部職員=関係筋 (ロイター 2017年 01月 13日 12:47 JST):”ロシアが入手したとされるトランプ次期米大統領に関する不名誉な情報についての文書を記したクリストファー・スティール氏は、英秘密情報部(MI6)の元職員だったことが、関係筋の話で明らかになった。”
  3. トランプ氏のロシア疑惑を知る5つのポイント(Financial Times / 日本経済新聞 2017/1/12 14:45):”1月10日には、あぜんとするような新たな展開がもたらされた。米国の情報機関がトランプ氏に対する一連の不利な疑惑について大統領と次期大統領の双方に報告したというニュースが流れたのだ。疑惑が盛り込まれた文書が公開されたため、今や周知の事実となった。”
  4. Trump Sex Scandal Russia 2017 (2017/01/11 に公開) Allegedly, while trump was visiting russia a few years ago, his hotel was bugged by Russian intelligence, and recordings of hime acting in lewd sex acts were recorded in various parts of Russia. Trump 100% denies the allegations and has lashed out at the news outlets for allowing fake news to spread.



  1. MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA September, 2014 TARGET: Two police officers wounded in knife attack ATTACKER: Abdul Numan Haider
  2. TIZI OUZOU, ALGERIA September, 2014 TARGET: One French citizen beheaded ATTACKER: Jund al-Khilafah in Algeria
  3. QUEBEC, CANADA October, 2014 TARGET: One soldier killed and one wounded in vehicle attack ATTACKER: Martin Couture-Rouleau
  4. OTTAWA, CANADA October, 2014TARGET: One soldier killed at war memorial; two wounded in shootings at Parliament building ATTACKER: Michael Zehaf-Bibeau
  5. NEW YORK CITY, NY, USA October, 2014TARGET: Two police officers wounded in knife attack ATTACKER: US person
  6. RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA November, 2014TARGET: One Danish citizen wounded in shooting ATTACKERS: Three Saudi Arabia-based ISIL members
  7. ABU DHABI, UAE December 2014 TARGET: One American killed in knife attack ATTACKER: Dalal al-Hashimi
  8. SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA December, 2014TARGET: Two Australians killed in hostage taking and shooting ATTACKER: Man Haron Monis
  9. TOURS, FRANCE December, 2014TARGET: Three police officers wounded in knife attack ATTACKER: Bertrand Nzohabonayo
  10. PARIS, FRANCEJanuary, 2015TARGET: One police officer and four hostages killed in shooting at a kosher supermarketATTACKER: Amedy Coulibaly
  11. TRIPOLI, LIBYAJanuary, 2015TARGET: Ten killed, including one US citizen, and five wounded in bombing and shooting at a hotel frequented by westernersATTACKERS: As many as five ISIL-Libya members
  12. RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIAJanuary, 2015TARGET: Two US citizens wounded in shootingATTACKER: Saudi Arabia-based ISIL supporter
  13. NICE, FRANCEFebruary, 2015TARGET: Two French soldiers wounded in knife attack outside a Jewish community centerATTACKER: Moussa Coulibaly
  14. COPENHAGEN, DENMARKFebruary, 2015TARGET: One civilian killed in shooting at a free-speech rally and one security guard killed outside the city’s main synagogueATTACKER: Omar Abdel Hamid el-Hussein
  15. TUNIS, TUNISIAMarch, 2015TARGET: 21 tourists killed, including 16 westerners, and 55 wounded in shooting at the Bardo MuseumATTACKERS: Two ISIL-aligned extremists
  16. KARACHI, PAKISTANApril, 2015TARGET: One US citizen wounded in knife attackATTACKERS: Pakistan-based ISIL supporters
  17. PARIS, FRANCEApril, 2015TARGET: Catholic churches targeted; one civilian killed in shooting, possibly during an attempted carjackingATTACKER: Sid Ahmed Ghlam
  18. ZVORNIK, BOSNIAApril, 2015TARGET: One police officer killed and two wounded in shootingATTACKER: Nerdin Ibric
  19. GARLAND, TX, USAMay, 2015TARGET: One security guard wounded in shooting at the Prophet Muhammad cartoon eventATTACKERS: Two US persons
  20. BOSTON, MA, USAJune, 2015TARGET: No casualties; one police officer attacked with knifeATTACKER: US person
  21. EL GORA (AL JURAH), EGYPTJune, 2015TARGET: No casualties; camp used by Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) troops attacked in shooting and bombing attackATTACKERS: Unknown number of ISIL-Sinai members
  22. LUXOR, EGYPTJune, 2015TARGET: One police officer killed by suicide bomb near the Temple of KarnakATTACKER: Unidentified
    PARIS, FRANCEAugust, 2015TARGET: Two civilians and one US soldier wounded with firearms and knife on a passenger trainATTACKER: Ayoub el-Khazzani
  24. EL GORA, EGYPTSeptember, 2015TARGET: Four US and two MFO troops wounded in IED attackATTACKER: Unidentified
  25. DHAKA, BANGLADESHSeptember, 2015
  26. SOUSSE, TUNISIAJune, 2015TARGET: 38 killed and 39 wounded in shooting at a beach frequented by westernersATTACKERS: Seifeddine Rezgui and another unidentified attacker
  27. LYON, FRANCEJune, 2015TARGET: One civilian killed in beheading and explosion at a chemical plantATTACKER: Yasin Salhi
  28. CAIRO, EGYPTJuly, 2015TARGET: One killed and nine wounded in VBIED attack at Italian ConsulateATTACKER: Unidentified ISIL operatives
  29. CAIRO, EGYPTJuly, 2015TARGET: One Croatian national kidnapped; beheaded on August 12 at an unknown locationATTACKER: Unidentified ISIL-Sinai operativeTARGET: One Italian civilian killed in shooting ATTACKER: Unidentified
  30. COPENHAGEN, DENMARKSeptember, 2015TARGET: One police officer wounded in knife attackATTAKER: Palestinian national
  31. EL GORA, EGYPTOctober, 2015TARGET: No casualties; airfield used by MFO attacked with rocketsATTAKER: Unidentified ISIL-Sinai operatives
  32. PARRAMATTA, AUSTRALIAOctober, 2015TARGET: One police officer killed in shootingATTAKER: Farhad Jabar
  33. RANGPUR, BANGLADESHOctober, 2015TARGET: One Japanese civilian killed in shootingATTAKER: Unidentified
  34. HASANAH, EGYPT October, 2015 TARGET: 224 killed in downing of a Russian airliner ATTAKER: Unidentified ISIL-Sinai operatives
  35. MERCED, CA, USNovember, 2015TARGET: Four wounded in knife attack on a college campusATTAKER: US person
  36. PARIS, FRANCENovember, 2015TARGET: At least 129 killed and approximately 400 wounded in series of shootings and IED attacksATTAKERS: Brahim Abdelslam, Saleh Abdeslam, Ismail Mostefai, Bilal Hadfi, Samy Amimour, Chakib Ahrouh, Foued Mohamed Aggad, and Abdelhamid Abaaoud
  37. DINAJPUR, BANGLADESHNovember, 2015TARGET: One Italian citizen wounded in shootingATTAKER: Unidentified
  38. RAJLOVAC, BOSNIA December, 2015 TARGET: Two Bosnian soldiers killed in shooting ATTAKER: Enes Omeragic
  39. SAN BERNADINO, CA, USDecember, 2015TARGET: 14 killed and 21 wounded in coordinated firearms attackATTAKERS: Two US persons
  40. LONDON, ENGLAND, UKDecember, 2015TARGET: Three wounded in knife attack at an underground rail stationATTAKER: Muhyadin Mire
  41. DERBENT, RUSSIADecember, 2015TARGET: One killed and 11 wounded in shooting at UN World Heritage siteATTAKER: Unidentified ISIL-Caucasus operative
  42. CAIRO, EGYPTJanuary, 2016TARGET: Two wounded in drive-by shooting outside a hotel frequented by touristsATTAKERS: Unidentified ISIL operatives
  43. PARIS, FRANCEJanuary, 2016TARGET: No casualties; attacker killed after attempted knife attack on Paris police stationATTAKER: Tarek Belgacem
  44. PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIAJanuary, 2016TARGET: One police officer wounded in shootingATTAKER: US person
  45. HURGHADA, EGYPTJanuary, 2016TARGET: One German and one Danish national wounded in knife attack at a tourist resortATTAKER: Unidentified
  46. MARSEILLES, FRANCEJanuary, 2016TARGET: One Jewish teacher wounded in machete attackATTAKER: 15 year-old Ethnic Kurd from Turkey
  47. ISTANBUL, TURKEYJanuary, 2016TARGET: 12 German tourists killed and 15 wounded in suicide bombingATTAKER: Nabil Fadli
  48. JAKARTA, INDONESIAJanuary, 2016TARGET: Four civilians killed and more than 20 wounded in coordinated bombing and firearms attacks near a police station and a StarbucksATTAKERS: Dian Joni Kurnaiadi, Muhammad Ali, Arif Sunakim, and Ahmad Muhazan bin Saron
  49. COLUMBUS, OH, USFebruary, 2016TARGET: Four civilians wounded in machete attack at a restaurantATTAKER: US person
  50. HANOVER, GERMANYFebruary, 2016TARGET: One police officer wounded in knife attackATTAKER: Safia Schmitter
  51. ISTANBUL, TURKEYMarch, 2016TARGET: Four killed and 36 wounded in suicide bombing in the tourist districtATTAKER: Mehmet Ozturk
  52. BRUSSELS, BELGIUMMarch, 2016TARGET: At least 31 killed and 270 wounded in coordinated bombings at Zaventem Airport and on a subway trainATTAKERS: Khalid el-Bakraoui, Ibrahim el-Bakraoui, Najim Laachraoui, Mohammed Abrini, and Osama Krayem
  53. ESSEN, GERMANYApril, 2016TARGET: Three wounded in bombing at Sikh templeATTAKERS: Three identified minors
  54. ORLANDO, FL, USJune, 2016TARGET: 49 killed and 53 wounded in shooting at a nightclubATTAKER: US person
  55. MAGNANVILLE, FRANCEJune, 2016TARGET: One police officer and one civilian killed in knife attackATTAKER: Larossi Abballa
  56. KABUL, AFGHANISTANJune, 2016TARGET: 14 killed in suicide attack on a bus carrying Canadian Embassy guardsATTAKER: ISIL-Khorasan operative
  57. ISTANBUL, TURKEYJune, 2016TARGET: 45 killed and approximately 240 wounded at Ataturk International AirportATTACKERS: Rakhim Bulgarov, Vadim Osmanov, and an unidentified ISIL operative
  58. DHAKA, BANGLADESHJuly, 2016TARGET: 22 killed, including one American and 50 wounded after hours-long siege using machetes and firearms at holy Artisan BakeryATTACKERS: Nibras Islam, Rohan Imtiaz, Meer Saameh Mubasheer, Khairul Islam Paye, and Shafiqul Islam Uzzal
  59. NICE, FRANCEJuly, 2016TARGET: 84 civilians killed and 308 wounded by an individual who drove a truck into a crowdATTACKER: Mohamed Bouhlel
  60. WURZBURG, GERMANYJuly, 2016TARGET: Four civilians wounded in axe attack on a trainATTACKER: Riaz Khan Ahmadzai
  61. ANSBACH, GERMANYJuly, 2016TARGET: At least 15 wounded in suicide bombing at a music festivalATTACKER: Mohammad Daleel
  62. NORMANDY, FRANCEJuly, 2016TARGET: One priest killed in knife attackATTACKERS: Adel Kermiche and Abdel Malik Nabil Petitjean
  63. CHALEROI, BELGIUMAugust, 2016TARGET: Two police officers wounded in machete attackATTACKER: Khaled Babouri
  64. QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIAAugust, 2016TARGET: Two killed and one wounded in knife attack at a hostel frequented by WesternersATTACKER: Smail Ayad
  65. COPENHAGEN, DENMAKRSeptember, 2016TARGET: Two police officers and a civilian wounded in shootingATTACKER: Mesa Hodzic
  66. PARIS, FRANCESeptember, 2016TARGET: One police officer wounded in raid after VBIED failed to detonate at Notre Dame CathedralATTACKERS: Sarah Hervouet, Ines Madani, and Amel Sakaou
  67. SYDNEY, AUSTRALIASeptember, 2016TARGET: One civilian wounded in knife attackATTACKER: Ihsas Khan
  68. CLOUD, MN, US September, 2016TARGET: 10 wounded in knife attack in a mallATTACKER: Dahir Ahmed Adan
  69. NEW YORK, NY; SEASIDE PARK AND ELIZABETH, NJ, USSeptember, 2016TARGET: 31 wounded in bombing in New York City; several explosive devices found in New York and New Jersey; one exploded without casualty at race in New Jersey; one police officer wounded in shootoutATTACKER: Ahmad Khan Rahami
  70. October, 2016TARGET: Two police officers wounded in stabbingATTACKER: Belgian national
  71. KUWAIT CITY, KUWAITTARGET: No casualties; vehicle carrying three US soldiers hit by a truckATTACKER: Ibrahim Sulayman
  72. MALMO, SWEDENOctober, 2016TARGET: No casualties; mosque and community center attacked with Molotov cocktailATTACKER: Syrian national
  73. HAMBURG, GERMANYOctober, 2016TARGET: One killed in knife attackATTACKER: Unknown
  74. MANILA, PHILIPPINESNovember, 2016TARGET: No casualties; failed IED attempt near US EmbassyATTACKERS: Philippine nationals aligned with the Maute group
  75. COLUMBUS, OH, USNovember, 2016TARGET: 14 wounded by individuals who drove a vehicle into a group of pedestrians and attacked them with a knifeATTACKER: US person
  76. N’DJAMENA, CHADNovember, 2016TARGET: No casualties; attacker arrested after opening fire at entrance of US EmbassyATTACKER: Chadian national
  77. KARAK, JORDANDecember, 2016TARGET: 10 killed and 28 wounded in shooting at a tourist siteATTACKERS: Several gunmen
  78. BERLIN, GERMANYDecember, 2016TARGET: 12 killed and 48 wounded by individual who drove truck into a crowded marketATTACKER: Anis Amri


  1. White House List Contradicts Trump Claim That Terror Attacks Go Unreported (NPR February 6, 20175:43 PM ET)
  2. トランプ政権、「報道不足」のテロ事件リスト公開 パリ襲撃など (AFP BB NEWS 2017年02月08日)
  3. ホワイトハウス、メディアが黙殺のテロ行為のリストを公開 (Sputnik 2017年02月07日)
  4. 「娘はテロの犠牲者ではない。名前を使わないで」 (NICHI GO PRESS 2017年2月9日)


ジェフ・セッションズ(Jeff Sessions )上院議員の米国司法長官任命を審議するための2017年2月7日の上院議会で、民主党のエリザベス・ウォーレン(Elizabeth Warren-)議員がセッションズ議員の適性に疑義を呈することを目的として、キング牧師の妻コレッタ・スコット・キング(1927–2006)の1986年の手紙を読んだところ、上院規則19条に基づいて発言を制止されたうえ、今後一切の審議に加わることを禁じられるという事件が起こりました。

ミッチ・マコーネル議員が上院規則19条(Rules of the Senate XIX)に基づいて求めたものです。採決で49-43という票の結果により、マコーネル議員の要求が通りました。


No Senator in debate shall, directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator.

という条文があります。報道によれば、マコーネル議員は、ウォーレン議員は“impugned the motives and conduct of our colleague from Alabama.”として、19条の発動を求めました。


impugn〔他動詞〕人の言動などを非難する ;人の能力・誠実さなどに異論を差し挟む 参考:アルク

unbecoming 〔形容詞〕 不適切な unbecoming a Senator 上院議員としてふさわしくない

impute something to somebody (悪い行いに関して)(人を)非難する (Longman Dictionary)

Impute is a somewhat formal word that is used to suggest that someone or something has done or is guilty of something.(Marriam-Webster)

The verb impute can be used to blame someone for doing something bad, (


Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s Floor Speech on Attorney General Nominee Sen. Jeff Sessions

Senator Elizabeth Warren’s full remarks on the floor of the United States Senate on February 7, 2017, about the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions to serve as Attorney General of the United States.


    Dear Senator Thurmond:

    I write to express my sincere opposition to the confirmation of Jefferson B. Sessions as a federal district court judge for the Southern District of Alabama. My professional and personal roots in Alabama are deep and lasting. Anyone who has used the power of his office as United States Attorney to intimidate and chill the free exercise of the ballot by citizens should not be elevated to our courts. Mr. Sessions has used the awesome powers of his office in a shabby attempt to intimidate and frighten elderly black voters. For this reprehensible conduct, he should not be rewarded with a federal judgeship.

    I regret that a long-standing commitment prevents me from appearing in person to testify against this nominee. However, I have attached a copy of my statement opposing Mr. Sessions’ confirmation and I request that my statement as well as this be made a part of the hearing record.

    I do sincerely urge you to oppose the confirmation of Mr. Sessions.


    Coretta Scott King

この冒頭の手紙に、8ページ分の声明(CNN)が続きます。手紙+声明の全文は、ワシントンポスト紙の記事 Read the letter Coretta Scott King wrote opposing Sessions’s 1986 federal nomination 中で読めます。




  1. エリザベス・ウォーレン米国上院議員(ウィキペディア
  2. ジェフ・セッションズ(Jeff Sessions)米国上院議員(1946- ) アラバマ州出身のアメリカ合衆国上院議員。共和党に所属。宗教はメソジスト。(ウィキペディア
  3. ミッチ・マコーネル米国上院議員(ウィキペディア) Mitch McConnell (Wikipedia)
  4. キング牧師:マーティン・ルーサー・キング・ジュニア;Martin Luther King, Jr.1929-1968)
  5. 米上院、ウォーレン議員の参加を禁止-司法長官の承認審議が紛糾(GOP Silences Warren as Debate Over Sessions Turns Bitter (1) Bloomberg Steven T. Dennis)
  6. This Is the Coretta Scott King Letter That Elizabeth Warren Was Prevented From Reading in the Senate (TIME 6:35 AM UTC)
  7. The silencing of Elizabeth Warren and an old Senate rule prompted by a fistfight (The Washington Post February 8 at 5:50 AM By Derek Hawkins )
  8. The Coretta Scott King letter Elizabeth Warren was trying to read (CNN February 8, 2017)
  9. Dems rally around Warren after senator silenced at Sessions nomination debate (FOX NEWS February 08, 2017 By Edmund DeMarche)
  10. Why Elizabeth Warren was accused of ‘impugning’ Jeff Sessions (USA TODAY Published 11:29 p.m. ET Feb. 7, 2017 BY Step Solis)
  11. Senate Republicans silence Elizabeth Warren over letter on Jeff Sessions (The Guardian Wednesday 8 February 2017 04.12 GMT By David Smith in Washington)


更新 20170209 訂正 残りの時間じゅう沈黙させられる⇒今後一切の審議に加わることを禁じられる

So-called いわゆる

トランプ大統領の暴言が話題になっています。イスラム圏7か国からの渡航などを制限する大統領令の効力をシアトルの連邦地裁が差し止めた決定に関して、トランプ大統領は、この裁判官のことを”so-called judge”と呼び、こき下ろしました。”so-called ~”は、”そう呼ばれる~”、”いわゆる~”という意味です。ニュースでは「いわゆる裁判官」と訳されていますが、この訳語を当てるのは、あまり日本語としてしっくりきません。「裁判官とかいうこの人」とでも訳しておきましょうか。ここでは、「みながそう呼ぶだけで実際のところはその正当性は疑わしい裁判官」という意味合いで使われています。

トランプ大統領は「この、いわゆる判事の意見は本質的にわが国から法執行というもの奪うもので、ばかげており、覆されるだろう!」とツイッター(Twitter)に投稿した。(トランプ大統領、入国禁止差し止めた判事に暴言 司法の独立に暗雲 YAHOO!JAPAN ニュース / AFP=時事 2/5(日) 9:28配信)

中国人の大富豪 肖建華氏が香港のホテルで中国当局に拉致され本土に連行される

なんとも怖い話です。中国出身でカナダ国籍を持つ大富豪、肖建華氏が香港に滞在中に何者かに誘拐され、妻が捜索願を出していましたが、誘拐・拉致したのはなんと中国当局でした。肖建華氏は「(中国共産)党と国家を常に愛してきた 私は誘拐されてはいない」という声明を発表したそうです(参考:South China Morning Post)。世界の報道では、今回のニュースの見出しでどのような英単語が使われたのかを見てみましょう。


肖建華氏のことは、tycoon (実力者;大物)、billionaire (大富豪;億万長者) として紹介されています。

連れ去りに関しては、abduct (誘拐する)、 kidnap (誘拐する)、 seize (捕まえる;身柄を拘束する)、take (連れて行く)などの表現が用いられています。


Chinese billionaire abducted from Hong Kong (Financial Times  February 1, 2017 by: Jamil Anderlini, Ben Bland and Gloria Cheung in Hong Kong and Lucy Hornby in Beijing)(中国人の大富豪が香港で誘拐される)

Mystery over Chinese tycoon Xiao Jianhua’s ‘kidnapping’ from Hong Kong – as wife drops missing persons report. The Telegraph 1 February 2017 • 6:53am  James Rothwell (中国の大物肖建華氏が香港で”誘拐”された謎 妻が失踪届けを撤回)

Chinese billionaire Xiao Jianhua ‘abducted’ from Hong Kong hotel (The Guardian Wednesday 1 February 2017 02.45 GMT Benjamin Haas)(中国の大富豪肖建華氏が香港のホテルで”誘拐”される)

Billionaire Is Reported Seized From Hong Kong Hotel and Taken Into China (The New York Times JAN. 31, 2017  By MICHAEL FORSYTHE)(億万長者が香港のホテルから中国本土へ連行されたとの報道)

Chinese-Canadian billionaire missing from Hong Kong (CBC NEWS / The Associated Press Feb 01, 2017 2:41 AM ET Last Updated: Feb 01, 2017 4:39 PM ET)(中国系カナダ人大富豪が香港で失踪)



中国の資産家、香港で失踪 中国公安当局が拉致か (日本経済新聞 2017/2/1 18:36)

中国の大富豪が香港で失踪、中国当局が拉致か (AFP BB NEWS 2017年02月02日 14:50)



銅鑼湾書店が閉店へ 香港に一時戻った株主男性「でたらめな書籍は言論の自由と関係ない」中国当局への刺激避け… (産経ニュース 2016.3.26 20:06)

失踪の香港書店店長 「歯ブラシ自殺監視下」にあったと (BBC 2016年06月17日)

香港銅鑼湾書店「失踪事件」の暗澹 香港の一国二制度を見殺しにするな (日経ビジネス 2016年1月13日 福島 香織)