
英検1級2次試験面接対策:トピック 銃規制を強化すべきか


  1. Matt Damon GUN CONTROL – Sellout Celebrity Anti-Gun Propaganda BS!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZISmvwQ4ZFM (2:04)
  2. Pros and cons of gun control https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvU0bCjXHME (2:46)
  3. How to Win the Gun Debate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orhxbI7yphY (4:31)
  4. The Gun Control Debate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZvkb8hB2aM (5:47)
  5. Heated debate on gun control https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NMOMscsA2c (6:11)

英検1級2次試験面接対策:トピック What can be done to help solve the world wide fresh water shortage?

英検は社会問題、環境問題、国際問題などのトピックはよく取り上げられます。What can be done to help solve the world wide fresh water shortage? (世界的な水不足の問題をどのように解決することが可能か?)は旺文社の問題集にあったトピックですが、2011年にIs it acceptable to treat water as a private commodity?というトピックが出題されているようですし、水に関する問題は日頃から考えておくのが良いでしょう。


  • Water scarcity is the lack of sufficient available fresh water resources to meet water demand. (Water_scarcity)
  • The essence of global water scarcity is the geographic and temporal mismatch between freshwater demand and availability.(Water_scarcity)
  • Climate change, such as altered weather-patterns (including droughts or floods), deforestation, increased pollution, and wasteful use of water can cause insufficient supply.(Water_scarcity)
  • Physical water scarcity results from inadequate natural water resources to supply a region’s demand, and economic water scarcity results from poor management of the sufficient available water resources. (Water_scarcity)
  • Economic water scarcity is caused by a lack of investment in infrastructure or technology to draw water from rivers, aquifers or other water sources, or insufficient human capacity to satisfy the demand for water. (Water_scarcity)
  • Large parts of Africa suffer from economic water scarcity; developing water infrastructure in those areas could therefore help to reduce poverty. (Water_scarcity)
  • the human right to water entitles everyone to sufficient, safe, acceptable, physically accessible, and affordable water for personal and domestic use (Water_scarcity)

BBCの記事Is the world running out of fresh water?でも、水不足の解決策について議論されていて、役立つ表現が多く見つかります。

  • Water demand globally is projected to increase by 55% between 2000 and 2050.
  • Much of the demand is driven by agriculture, which accounts for 70% of global freshwater use, and food production will need to grow by 69% by 2035 to feed the growing population.
  • Of the world’s major aquifers (gravel and sand-filled underground reservoirs)(帯水層;地下水が蓄えられている地層), 21 out of 37 are receding, from India and China to the United States and France.
  • Some hypothesise that increased water shortages around the world will lead to wars.
  • The key was putting a price on water and making it a tradable commodity.
  • Another ‘gold standard’ is Israel, which views water availability as a national security issue.
  • By recycling effluent water(排水), including household sewage(下水), the Shafdan Wastewater Treatment Facility near Tel Aviv supplies approximately 140,000,000 cubic metres of water per year for agricultural use, covering 50,000 acres of irrigated (灌漑)land.
  • Israel is also a global leader in desalination(脱塩;淡水化)– turning seawater into potable drinking water.
  • A simpler and cheaper solution is rainwater capture.

A Global Solution to Water Scarcity(59秒)

Solving the water crisis | Olivia Andersen & Maria Oszova Johnson | TEDxTacoma

飲料水は英語でdrinking water または portable water。海水を脱塩して淡水化する方法の動画。
How Seawater Desalination Works

英検1級面接対策 In what ways has the Internet made young people more vulnerable?

英検の2次試験では、インターネットがらみのトピックは頻出です。旺文社の問題集に掲載されていたトピック:In what ways has the Internet made young people more vulnerable?(どのような点でインターネットは若者を脆弱にしたか)。ネットでのいじめの問題、少女が大人の男に騙されてデートしたり、みだらな行為を強要されたり、といったニュースを頻繁に目にしますので、そういった内容でまとめればいいと思います。



  1. The Internet is becoming an increasingly dangerous place for children and teenagers whose online profiles often attract aggressive sexual predators. (amp-632111.pdf)
  2. Many parents and carers worry about their children being at risk online, especially about the possibilities of grooming and sexual exploitation. (parentinfo.org)


  1. Personal information posted online can lead to abductions and sexual exploitation of children. (amp-632111.pdf)
  2. With most young people using mobile phones and the Internet on a regular basis, cyber bullying has increased in recent years. (europa.eu)


  1. 4 Dangers of the Internet (webmd.com)
  2. 7 Dangers of the Internet for Kids (covenanteyes.com)
  3. Introduction to Online Safety and the Dangers of the Internet (kidslivesafe.com)
  4. What can make young people vulnerable online? (parentinfo.org)
  5. Online “Predators” and Their Victims (amp-632111.pdf)
  6. How do online predators work? (PDF)
  7. Girls’ and boys’experiences of online risk and safety (PDF)


高校英語教師の英語力 英検1級?TOEIC?






英検1級面接試験対策 トピック「紙媒体はデジタルコンテンツに取って変わられるか?」

英検1級の筆記試験の結果が2月5日に発表されました。2時の面接試験はすぐにやってきます。今日は、デジタル全盛時代に、紙の本はなくなってしまうのか?というトピックで英語のインプットをしようと思います。電子書籍(electronic books)がe-bookと呼ばれるのに対して、「紙の本」は英語ではいろいろな言い方があります。printed books, physical books, regular booksなどですね。紙の本のいいところ悪いところ、Eブックのいいとろこ悪いところ、結局自分はどっちが好きなんだ?という意見をしっかり整理しておくことが必要です。

E-Books or Print Books?

Ereader Vs Physical Books(10:03)電子書籍リーダーか、物理的に存在する書籍か?

at? on? in? by? 乗り物、場所、時間を表現するときの正しい前置詞の選び方


1:13~ 乗り物を表現するときの前置詞の選び方
5:07~ 場所を表現するときの前置詞の選びかた
7:49~ 時間を表現するときの前置詞の選びかた
10:15~ やったことの復習の時間



Brian Green on the Importance of Science Education アメリカの理論物理学者ブライアン・グリーンが1分30秒で語る科学教育の重要性。

It’s unfortunate. I think many people still see science as a subject(教科) that they studied in school but left behind when they took their final exam. To me, science is really a way of life(生きる手段). It’s a perspective(物の見方). It’s an outlook(物の見方) at the way of engaging with the world, so that one can employ rational reasoning, deductive logic, to really understand what’s true and what’s right and what’s actually accurate about the world around us. And that is not a subject(教科) , that’s a perspective(物の見方). When you look at the 21st century, at the opportunities that we have the challenges that we face, from things like stem cells, and climate change, from nanoscience, to space travel, to nuclear proliferation, to all manner of things that will have a dramatic impact on life, they’re all scientific. And if you don’t have a public that’s willing to engage with the scientific ideas, it’s nearly impossible to have informed decision-making. So, in order that we can really participate in the ongoing development of life and culture in order that we can play a part in the global dialogue about where our planet is going to go in the 21st century, we all have to speak at some level the language of science.


Scientific literacy is necessary | Andrew Zwicker | TEDxCarnegieLake

0:47 What do I mean by “scientific literacy?” Scientific literacy is not simply about what you know. It’s not simply about a bunch of facts. That’s important but that’s only a piece of story. To be scientifically literate is about how you think. It’s about questioning everything (It’s) about being skeptical. It’s about being a criticl thinker and an analytical thinker. It’s about looking at the world around you, taking information, a bunch of facts, and seeing what type of conclusions you can draw, as opposed to having a conclusion and looking for facts that fit the conclusion you already have. But doing that is not easy, because often what happens at astatistics contardict what we have is our beliefs what we have is our experiences aour personal narratives.

2:19 Addressing Scientific Literacy. There are three reasons why we need to care about this. The first is jobs. Because if you look at the history of our economy, what you see is that for decades and decades and decades, science and technology has driven our economy forward.




Ageism Towards Older People – Motion Graphic




  1. ageism(年齢差別)
  2. discrimination on the basis of age (年齢にもとづいた差別)
  3. prejudice (偏見)
  4. status quo(現状)
  5. longevity【名】長生き、寿命、長寿

Let’s end ageism | Ashton Applewhite アッシュトン・アップルホワイトが語る「老人差別」の正体

05:18 It is not having a vagina that makes life harder for women.It’s sexism. 女性が生き辛いのは女性器を持っているからではない。性差別があるからだ。It’s not loving a man that makes life harder for gay guys. It’s homophobia.ゲイの男性の人生が大変になるのは男性を愛するからではない。同性愛嫌悪があるせいだ。And it is not the passage of time that makes getting older so much harder than it has to be.It is ageism.老いることが大変なのは年月の経過のためではない。老人差別があるからだ。


  1. gerontophobia 老人恐怖症
  2. ageist 老人差別主義者

So who is ageist? | Mervyn Eastman | TEDxCanaryWharf

3:21 The problem is, one: Those charities and organizations involved with the age agenda also believe it. 高齢者問題に取り組んでいる慈善団体や組織がそれを信じてしまっている。They also believe that all the people are going to be a burden. 彼らもまた、人々は年を取ると重荷になると信じている。Secondly, politicians believe it. 2番目に、政治家たちもそう信じている。And thirdly, the public believe it. 2番目に、一般市民もそう信じている。We see age through the prism of dependency, deficit, and sickness. 私たちは年齢を見るときに、依存、不足、病気というプリズムを通してみている。


More readings

  1. ファッション業界が挑む「年齢差別」との戦い 「歳を重ねる」という言葉は復権できるか? 東洋経済2017年05月24日  原文 Reclaiming the word ‘old’: How fashion is fighting ageism. DIGIDAY April 21,2017

英検1級面接試験トピックと対策:Should more be done to help the working poor?(ワーキングプアをもっと助けるべきか)

Poverty: The Working Poor 1:25:39 ワーキングプアー問題解決に向けてというテーマのシンポジウム。

15:49 What is being done to help?
16:03 Let me ask you. You provide some of those programs. Are these addressing root causes, or are these band-aids?
16:36 I always say that education is the way to get out of poverty.

Working Poor In Japan 1 of 4 (English Subtitles)




