Brian Green on the Importance of Science Education アメリカの理論物理学者ブライアン・グリーンが1分30秒で語る科学教育の重要性。
It’s unfortunate. I think many people still see science as a subject(教科) that they studied in school but left behind when they took their final exam. To me, science is really a way of life(生きる手段). It’s a perspective(物の見方). It’s an outlook(物の見方) at the way of engaging with the world, so that one can employ rational reasoning, deductive logic, to really understand what’s true and what’s right and what’s actually accurate about the world around us. And that is not a subject(教科) , that’s a perspective(物の見方). When you look at the 21st century, at the opportunities that we have the challenges that we face, from things like stem cells, and climate change, from nanoscience, to space travel, to nuclear proliferation, to all manner of things that will have a dramatic impact on life, they’re all scientific. And if you don’t have a public that’s willing to engage with the scientific ideas, it’s nearly impossible to have informed decision-making. So, in order that we can really participate in the ongoing development of life and culture in order that we can play a part in the global dialogue about where our planet is going to go in the 21st century, we all have to speak at some level the language of science.
Scientific literacy is necessary | Andrew Zwicker | TEDxCarnegieLake
0:47 What do I mean by “scientific literacy?” Scientific literacy is not simply about what you know. It’s not simply about a bunch of facts. That’s important but that’s only a piece of story. To be scientifically literate is about how you think. It’s about questioning everything (It’s) about being skeptical. It’s about being a criticl thinker and an analytical thinker. It’s about looking at the world around you, taking information, a bunch of facts, and seeing what type of conclusions you can draw, as opposed to having a conclusion and looking for facts that fit the conclusion you already have. But doing that is not easy, because often what happens at astatistics contardict what we have is our beliefs what we have is our experiences aour personal narratives.
2:19 Addressing Scientific Literacy. There are three reasons why we need to care about this. The first is jobs. Because if you look at the history of our economy, what you see is that for decades and decades and decades, science and technology has driven our economy forward.
Let’s end ageism | Ashton Applewhite アッシュトン・アップルホワイトが語る「老人差別」の正体
05:18 It is not having a vagina that makes life harder for women.It’s sexism. 女性が生き辛いのは女性器を持っているからではない。性差別があるからだ。It’s not loving a man that makes life harder for gay guys. It’s homophobia.ゲイの男性の人生が大変になるのは男性を愛するからではない。同性愛嫌悪があるせいだ。And it is not the passage of time that makes getting older so much harder than it has to be.It is ageism.老いることが大変なのは年月の経過のためではない。老人差別があるからだ。
gerontophobia 老人恐怖症
ageist 老人差別主義者
So who is ageist? | Mervyn Eastman | TEDxCanaryWharf
3:21 The problem is, one: Those charities and organizations involved with the age agenda also believe it. 高齢者問題に取り組んでいる慈善団体や組織がそれを信じてしまっている。They also believe that all the people are going to be a burden. 彼らもまた、人々は年を取ると重荷になると信じている。Secondly, politicians believe it. 2番目に、政治家たちもそう信じている。And thirdly, the public believe it. 2番目に、一般市民もそう信じている。We see age through the prism of dependency, deficit, and sickness. 私たちは年齢を見るときに、依存、不足、病気というプリズムを通してみている。
Poverty: The Working Poor 1:25:39 ワーキングプアー問題解決に向けてというテーマのシンポジウム。
15:49 What is being done to help?
16:03 Let me ask you. You provide some of those programs. Are these addressing root causes, or are these band-aids?
16:36 I always say that education is the way to get out of poverty.
00:00 I have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgment. 私は非常に重大な間違った判断をずっとしてしてしまいました。 And I don’t expect to be forgiven. 許されるとは思っていません。I’m simply here to apologise.とにかく謝罪をしたい、ただそれだけです。
00:10 So, what we came across that day in the woods was obviously un-planned. その日にあの森で目撃したことはもちろん想定外のことでした。And the reactions you saw on tape were raw, they were unfiltered. あなたが見た、テープに映った私たちの反応は、そのままのものであり編集されていません。
00:18 None of us knew how to react, or how to feel. 私たちは誰も、どう反応していいのか、どう感じればいいのかがわかりませんでした。
00:23 I should have never posted the video. 私は決してあのビデオを投稿してはいけなかったと思います。I should have put the cameras down, and stopped recording what we were going through. 私はカメラを下ろして、自分たちが目撃したものを録画する行為をやめるべきでした。
00:32 There are a lot of things I should have done differently, but I didn’t. やってはいけない多くの間違いを自分は犯しました。 And for that, from the bottom of my heart, I’m Sorry. それに関して、心からお詫びしたいと思います。
00:40 I want to apologize to the internet, I want to apologize to anyone who has seen the video. 私はインターネットに対して謝りたいし、あのビデオを見た全ての人に謝りたいと思います。
00:44 I want to apologize to anyone who has been affected or touched by mental illness or depression, or suicide. 精神疾患やうつ病、自殺に苦しむ人、みなに謝罪したい。
00:51 But most importantly I want to apologize to the victim and his family. しかし最も重要なことですが、私はあの亡くなられた方および彼の家族に対して謝罪したい。
00:58 For my fans who are defending my actions, please don’t. 私の行為を弁護してくれている私のファンのみなさん、どうかそうしないでください
01:04 They do not deserve to be defended. 私のやったことには釈明の余地はありません。
01:08 The goal with my content is always to entertain, to push the boundaries, to be all-inclusive. 私のコンテンツの目的は常に楽しむこと、限界を押し上げること、全てを取り込むことです。 In the world I live in, I share almost everything I do. 自分が住むこの世界で自分のやることのほとんど全てを、自分は共有します。The intent is never to be heartless, cruel or malicious. その意図は決して心無いものや残酷なもの、悪意のあるものであってはないのです。
01:26 Like I said, I’ve made a huge mistake. I don’t expect to be forgiven. 先ほど述べたように、私はとんでもない間違いを犯しました。許されるとは思っていません。
01:31 I’m just here to apologise. ただ、謝りたいだけです。
01:33 I’m ashamed of myself. 私は自分を恥じています。
01:35 I’m disappointed in myself. And I promise to be better. 私は自分に失望しており、より良い自分になることを約束します。
01:41 I will be better. Thank you. 私は良くなります。ありがとうございました。
American YouTube star Logan Paul on Tuesday apologized for posting a video of a suicide victim in Japan, saying he had made a “huge mistake” and was ashamed of himself.
Paul, 22, whose almost daily video blogs on YouTube have over 15 million followers, apologized for laughing with friends about the body they filmed hanging on a tree in Japan’s so-called “suicide forest” and posted to the video-sharing channel.
(引用元の記事 YouTuber Logan Paul says suicide video was ‘huge mistake’ Reuters January 3, 2018 / 3:45 AM / Updated 2 hours ago)
In Paul’s apology video, he solemnly speaks to “the internet” as a whole, and the suicide victim’s family, admitting that there wasn’t an excuse for his actions. He doesn’t explain what he thought the video would achieve. He does say, though, “The goal with my content is always to entertain, to push the boundaries, to be all-inclusive. In the world I live in, I share everything I do.” (Logan Paul Responds to Suicide Forest Video with Second Apology By Emily Gaudette, Newsweek On 1/2/18 at 1:38 PM )
Me, smiling and laughing does not, uh, it’s not a portrayal of how I feel about the circumstances. I cope with things with humor, while this is incredibly sad.
07:44 I really hate to say this. I think there’s someone hanging right there mmm
07:51 I’m not even *** kidding.
07:54 Do you see? I’m not even this is no joke, guys.
07:58 That’s a fucking person – I told you
08:06 What the heck? Dude, let’s go. What’s the heck?
08:08 I’ve never seen a dead person. You haven’t? No, bro.
08:16 Oh my god. He’s hanging.
08:16 Bro, do we just fight a dead person in the suicide forest hanging? Yes. Do you think that’s real? Well it could be because one of my classmate in the junior high school, he really killed himself
08:29 No. Yeah. He was only twenty-one.
08:37 Excuse me?
08:41 How long do you think he’s crazy no
08:43 This isn’t real. bro We gotta call the police. Call the police, Bro. Yeah. Yeah.
08:51 Hello.
08:53 Yeah, what the *** actually.
08:59 Yo are you alive you going those. So, OK, a lot of things going through my mind. Um,this is the first for me. It’s definitely a first for me. This literally probably just happened. Um, Ysushi, you call the police?
09:19 This is dude whose hands are purple. Probably he did this this morning. I’m so sorry about this. Oh, no. I’m, I’m so sorry about this Logan. This was supposed to be fun vlog. We were gonna address this before we saw this. I’m not just saying this but I was gonna set up the camp and everything. Obviously, and now experiencing in real life and firsthand suicide is not a joke. depression and mental illnesses are not joke. No way. We came here with an intent to focus on the haunted aspect of the forest.
09:55 This just became very real. And, obviously, a lot of people are going through a lot in their lives and .. We just want you guys to know that if you’re going through anything like we’re here for you wherever your friends or family love things there are people out there for you. We just want you guys to know that remember that. 10:15 Suicide is not the answer guys. There are people that love you and care for you. Like I said we’re gonna do this before this happened this just turned really way to scarily real.
10:31 The craziest part about this … The parking lot is right there dude. Yes literally right there. Like, guys, we’re a hundred yards away from parking lot. I don’t, I don’t feel very good. Yeah. Well you never ever stand next to a dead guy.
10:47 No.
10:57 It was all it was gonna be a joke. Yeah. This was all gonna be a joke. Why it has become so real?
11:03 This is the thing. This is the thing. That is now in our lives. Just experience.
11:07 What the ** is going on? I don’t know, dude. Why?
11:12 It’s sinking in, bro. It wasn’t supposed to happen, man.
11:16 Just doesn’t make sense.
11:18 This bag is right there. He’s got stuff in his pants what am I still here what are we doing? I’ve never seen a dead person.
11:25 Like, like, I’ve never discovered, never discovered a dead person.
11:33 It’s not something I really planned on doing. Yeah. Yeah.
11:35 I will say, as you know, you can see we blurred the face of the victim. Because we felt like we should protect his identity.
11:44 Authorities are on their way. This is the most real vlog I’ve ever made 400 plus blogs. And I’ve never, I’ve never had a more real moment than this.
12:18 What the f**. Feel like this was a stupid hat to wear.
12:20 What are the chances we choose this, this part of the path to walk down there. It’s fate and me. Crazy. It’s not like we could
12:29 see it it’s right there but you can’t see it.
12:34 It’s how our lives unfold there’s no going back.
12:36 I’ve seen things I can’t unsee.
12:46 You guys, we got a dead guy in the forest/bush.
12:48 Four knot, Southeast. Four knot? speed.
12:53 Oh, you can just tell. He’s been here before. Oh my god. Oh my f*** god.
13:00 Yasushi is talking to, what looks like, a doctor.
13:07 You can’t enter the restricted area. What? You can’t enter the restricted area.
13:12. You can’t enter. You told us a little too late, bro. I’ve seen a little too much
13:14 what if it’s stumbled upon this guy
13:19 There is kids running around.
13:23 What if? What if **** stumbled upon this guy.
13:27 Mmm, crazy. That’s the life. That’s the life.
13:29 this daily vlog life. Guys, as I have said, this is one of my first vlogs I have chosen to entertain you guys every single day. And I made a commitment to that guys four days ago I was literally I was dying Oh probably not the yeah you were sick.
13:43 singing and I chose to still vlog and
13:45 I’ve chosen to share stuff positive or negative because this is my life and this is how I’d document it you’re the low gang a family and this is all part of it it’s that vlog like what I gotta say this is top five craziest things I’ve ever experienced in my life. fine? Top one. This is the craziest thing I’ve ever experienced. Ain’t gonna be sober fish I’m gonna drink this Japanese sake. It’s just literally the **** craziest moment of my life.
14:09 I’m sorry for swearing so much. I’m already getting flag 40 – a nation bro.
14:12 oh dude.
14:15 Me, smiling and laughing does not, uh, it’s not a portrayal of how I feel about the circumstances. It’s just your coping mechanism. Definitely. You cope with it with humor. If you guys haven’t noticed, I do, I cope with things with humor, while this is incredibly sad. so that a thousand times it’s crazy.
14:39 yeah no way Okay.
14:44 I have one piece of advice. Okay? Listen closely.
Shinju “Juju” Nozawa-Auclair (debut) vs Larkyn Dasch – (Impact Fight League 66) – (2017.02.04)
00:02 Juju!
00:06 Breed girl. Circling you look cute in your flow.
Circle, Juju.
00:18 Hands up and circle. Let’s go, Juju.
00:24 Oh my god.
00:25 Frame, Juju. Frame on. Frame. Good, Juju.
00:30 Here we go, Juju. This is our world.
00:33 If she leaves their hands up there you know what to do.
00:38 Juju, relax. Juju, relax.
00:42 Juju, breath slow.
00:43 She can do nothing from there.
00:45 What did I tell you backstage, Juju?
00:45 Wait for her to plastered, Juju.
00:49 Why did I tell you backstage, Juju?
00:53 Let her lean forward. That’s good for you, Juju. Start making your angles, Juju.
00:59 Make your angels, Juju.
01:01 X, Juju. X.
01:08 Where your hips back up, Juju. you
01:08 feel bad up Press her head away from you.
01:11 Take the back. Juju, pull push your head away from you.
01:18 Guard, guard, gaurd. George
you’re good alright you two start
getting your hips moving
01:25 Juju, turn your head side to side. Juju, what I say is the most important detail of the head (hips?)
01:37 Take your side. Take your side. Control. Triangle, Juju.
01:41 just artichoke right yes look at
controller posture. Juju. Juju, just give me a good spin from the arm bar (amber?)
01:56 Here it its. do this
alright you’re going to thank you whoa
0:59 For guard, Juju.
02:01 For guard.
02:04 Juju, push off this I get your full guide if your
hips towards me. Push up. I big bridge yep
02:11 For guard, Juju.
all right now put more guards you do yes
02:12 Yeah.
02:14 For guard.
02:15 Now, Juju, make your head spin.
02:18 Let’s go. Spin. Spin. There it is.
02:21 Take it. Take it.
02:22 Grip it (? Rip it (?)
02:26 (Go back and jo) Make your angle.
control this rifle dude you don’t let go
of it next time have you a on the wrist
02:33 Spin. Spin. Spin. More, more, more, more, more, more.
02:35 Juju, don’t let go of it (?)
02:40 Hold on the wrist (?), Juju.
02:44 Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap(?), yes.
02:46 Scorpion.
should you get in the middle of the back
and Scorpion longer do June 22nd dude
you up on top top juju juju up on top
start hitting her yes yes yes I’ll pop
up up dude you breathe and get on top
dude you plan your own punch let’s go
she got a settle down now
dude the armor she’s missing an organ in
her head
Oh juju Tabitha you just and pop juju
juju juju stop punching him out her mom
you stay out ginger get on top should
you put your body weight on top of her
please yeah back up back up back flat in
her flat nerd you chew under her arms
and bring it home
juju put your arms under her arms and
flatten her yes now cross your face all
right now heavy Mountain drought in town
Eddy mouth show me a heavy mal wrap your
hook then boss do you miss juju how many
times have we gone over that cross your
Bronk your feet dude you stay on top now
here to put your hip critter into it and
posture your back posture your back now
punch her in the face punch thank you
and we’re again juju thank you thank you
going to side juju if you would throw
two feet and flatten this fight would be
over who’s that dude you go to your left
hip behind her behind ya heavy dude you
hit her why did I get your own flattened
around you do up up get up top to jump
your feet
dude you get up off your feet Oh juju
JooJoo show me your guard please
move your head side to side you’ll find
an angle do you use the cage with your
feet yeah yeah create an angle
there’s your guard your body – do you
have to spin your body your guard up
guard guard guard your fight top top top
top top circle around behind hey our bar
should get up and breathe
deep breath juju
you when you get pops position flow down
what’s left Russia and you win the fight
slow down girl
JooJoo right hand high straight line hey
you want to mentally break heard you do
let’s go do it
Metro you move after every combo please
here’s your hand yeah are you wrong
we’re gonna need you do with that under
Hawk dude you chocolates right now huh
hey don’t stop with a hectic punt return
afraid you do off your kicks
dude you juju punch our frame frame
frame yeah did you pick up good job on
it going on the back around the back
around the back on the back shut up top
mount no hit her no you do – I want you
to point if you don’t plan to the right
way this time I’m analyzed by my dude
you underhook the arms and flattener
well its arms on drill hey dude you lean
forward relax and flatten her get in the
center are we in the center of the back
get in the center get on top get on top
of her you on the side of her here’s
your hug dude you go to that no don’t
tell me you’re frustrated go to the left
– I’ll sit on top now flatten with you
bTW please
there you go you just walked hands under
flatten her out
cross your feet lift up on your
hamstrings hips down now get your get
your arms free and start punching the
side of the head until you get a short
joke okay keep it up juju juju get lower
on the back oh hell no dude you know
young in control first punching second
dude you stay on the back stay on the
back circle
get your hips behind you don’t you Joe
beat you do get up yeah there you go
turn over there it’s a joke you got our
arms right here last year
juju I want the top position every time
dude you go come over and now come on
over Mountain ice on your lap blender
for glider no puncture there jus do you
keep taking your hooks that I need your
hook push off push off fuckin drop in I
can really hook kick push off in that
kick know what that’s like heart gives
you football Circle
hee hee
yeah hello Jude go push off me
jujube get off the wall ten seconds to
it doesn’t matter doesn’t matter is that
only a 3-mile fight we win
that was a fucking six life how is this
hey Dan proud you want deep breath
you want for sure Sam Pratt appraised
little bit match
that’s badass white
crowd you did it
here do arms up you did it girls you did
I knew everyone in my room
you want anything all the people
00:00 yeah I’ll keep you up late that’s all yeah all right.
00:04 This young lady is an MMA fighter Juju Olair is in studio with us to talk about their big fight coming up
00:31 We’re playing ‘Juju On That Beat’. Do you know that’s not going to do eclairs here
Yes, I do.
00:35 She is from Brighton by way of San Francisco. But, you are MMA fighter and when you walked in I said wow! that girl fights MMA? Why?
00:43 I think as especially as a female going into the cage known somebody wants to hurt you and knowing that I can defend myself and you potentially cause some harm as well it gives you a lot of confidence in them oh no I I’ve always liked watching UFC and so I try to give it a go.
01:03I know it’s going to sound like a weird question but good nonetheless I have to say it this way because it emphasizes what I want to emphasize you’re comfortable smashing another woman in the face?
1:13 I gotta be. (Laughter)
1:19 Talk about the process of MMA fighting because I’m familiar with boxing but MMA is something different. It’s mixed martial arts for a reason you’re up boxing now you’re down on the floor grappling it’s wrestling. It’s a mix of everything
Everything, yah.
01:30 Tell us of disciplines that you’ve learned and how long in your career has been very short but how much do you know?
01:36 I’m I started boxing and then I went into MMA knew that’s what I wanted to do but at the time I didn’t have a place where I can train MMA so I think that my stand up is probably my strongest point but of course I had to learn to wrestle and do some jiu-jitsu grappling stuff.
01:53 She says her stand up and you mean stand up boxing.
Boxing, kick boxing, yah.
01:58 now who are you fighting this weekend
01:59 I’m fighting Larkin – she’s undefeated 5a now
Did you do your due diligence on it.
02:04 You check her out?
02:05 Yes I did. I watched her. I studied her film. My coaches and I sat down we this is the last-minute fight
02:12 She took the fight I believe on Monday and it’s happening tomorrow Saturday so all right and then have too much time.
02:17 Well, you see it’s fight night at the Joe you guys it takes place tomorrow night at a Saturday night at the Joe Louis Arena mixed martial arts fighter it’s Juju Aulair she’s representing Michigan representing Brighton Give a shout out to where you work out and talk about what kind of discipline it takes what’s your workout like a scorpion fighting system or either yep scorpion
02:38 and we’re in there almost I’m six days a week I do morning sessions night sessions. Uh, it’s a lot of hard work you got to watch your diet you got to watch you know everything. um but if you love it you’re gonna find a way to make it work.
Many many many things many many years ago things change for me when I was trying to box and as soon as I got hit directly in the jaw everything changed yeah when you got punched right in them group the grill in the face for the first time, what was your reaction and how do you respond to that?
03:10 That’s funny because my dad when I first told him I wanted to start this, he told me he was like when the first time you get popped in the face, you’re going to quit.
Everybody says I knew about a lot of fighters
But you know, I got popped in the face for the first time and my instinct my kill switch went on and I went crazy and I was one of my first time sparring and it didn’t stop me. I’m still doing it!
03:33 That’s the key that’s how you know a real fighter can hit it for real and you come back then you need to focus that aggression to a win.
03:38 Absolutely.
All right what do you want people to know when they come to watch you fight tomorrow at the jail?
03:43 You know don’t count me out this is my debut fight. I’m going up against the tough five an old girl. She’s undefeated like I said and I’ve only been at it for a short while but I’ve been working really hard. So, I hope you guys come out and watch
All right you too thanks for the time
Thank you so much
You’re going to do on that beat when you movie on everything you do
Juju Aclair fighting at the Joe tomorrow.Tthat’s saturday night, tickets are still available through Olympia entertainment. Valentine’s day talk is next.