Once agreed, …という言い方があります。
【例】Once agreed, I will send you a document. (引用元:usingenglish.com)
【解説】Once it is agreed または、Once that is agreedが短く省略されてOnce agreedとなったと考えるのがわかりやすいでしょう。
We will give you a quote and once that is agreed, we will arrange a suitable date and time to deliver and assemble your furniture. (Shop & Delivery – How It Works? FLATPACK)
Initially this group was called as BRIC and SA became part of it in 2010. The basis to accept SA in the group was that, it was also a developing economy and wanted to be part of BRIC nations. Once this was agreed by the BRIC forum they officially invited SA to be part of BRIC and the name then changed to BRICS. (引用元:quora.com)
ちなみに、BRICとはBrazil, Russia, India, Chinaの4か国で、SAは、South Africaです。
Once agreed upon, … という言い方も見かけます。
Once implemented, … ひとたび実施されれば、…
【例】Once implemented, the proposed support by the Committee for live music, infrastructure, funding programs and music education will be a game-changer for contemporary music artists and businesses, living and working in NSW. (引用元:themusicnetwork.com)
Among 文の冒頭の単語が前置詞「~の間で」なので、主語ではなく修飾語句から始まっているということ。Amongは前置詞なので次に名詞が出てくることを期待します。
Among the many consequences 前置詞、冠詞(これは次に名詞が来るサイン)、形容詞(形容詞は名詞に係るので、名詞が次に来ることを期待)、ようやく名詞が出てきた。次が分の主語になる名詞が出てくるか?
Among the many consequences of 前置詞が出てきたので、まだこの修飾語句が続くんだね。前置詞の次なので名詞を期待して読み進める。
Among the many consequences of those political developments 前置詞ofの「目的語」となるdevelopmentsが出てきたので、これでAmongから始まった修飾語句が一段落したのだろう。いよいよ文の主語となる名詞が出てくるだろう。
Among the many consequences of those political developments was あれ、いきなり動詞?ということは主語が動詞のあとに倒置された形か。
Among the many consequences of those political developments was for あれ、主語になる名詞が来ないの?余計な一語を探す問題なので、このforが不要ではと思いながら、先に読み進める。
Among the many consequences of those political developments was for one that 名詞のあとにthatが来ているのでこれは関係代名詞のthatだろう。
Among the many consequences of those political developments was for one that in the end turned out 関係代名詞thatが作る節の中に動詞句turned outを発見。turn out は、「~であることがわかる」という意味なので次にto be がくることは予測できる。
Among the many consequences of those political developments was for one that in the end turned out to be too complicated 「あまりに複雑だということはわかった」
Among the many consequences of those political developments was for one that in the end turned out to be too complicated for the government to handle. 「for 人 to 動詞」は、(人)が~するという形。To不定詞の意味上の主語をforで表すというのは定番の表現。
Advanced Grammar in Use (Martin Hewings)sのユニット3は、動詞の過去形と現在完了に関する章ですが、the frist timeの後の節の中では完了形が使われることが一般的であると説明されています。なぜ?という説明はありません。この本は高評価のGrammar in Use (Intermediate)の上級編として位置づけられているわけですが、「こういうときはこういう形を使う」という説明に終始しており、考え方までは教えてくれまんので、この上級編だけで勉強しても文法が体に入らないのではないかと思います。日本の学校の英語教育だと完了形の意味は完了・継続・経験と教わりますが、この日本式理解のほうがしっくりくるのではないかと思います。もっともこの3つが全然違う意味に感じられるとまずいので、これらを統一的に理解させるための説明としては『総合英語FOREST』の解説が秀逸だと思います。結局、FORESTはお勧め、というか文法を基本から学びたい人はFOREST一択というのが今の自分の考えです。FORESTで難関大学まで対応できますか?という質問をネットで見かけることもありますが、それは愚問でしょう。基本が身につかない本でどれだけ勉強しても、無意味ですから。FORESTに書いていない知識を問う問題が難関大学で出題されるか?というと、確かに出題されています。ですから、FORESTで文法事項を完全に理解したあとで、腕試しとして難関大学の出題レベルに合った問題集をやる必要はあります。
前置きが長くなりましたが、本題に入ります。ネットを見ていると、It/This is/was the first time (that) +完了形の形で、ITは何?とか接続詞THATはWHENなどに置き換え可能かとか、ITとTHISの違いはとかいろいろな質問が出ていて、それに対する回答もあったので、忘備録としてメモっておきたいと思います。
“When I met him for the first time, he was … ” という言い方はできます。これは、
The first time for which I met him, he was … とも言い換えられるでしょう。また、
The first time (that) I met him, he was … とも言えると思います。つまりこのthatは、”for which”であり、節の中での役割は「副詞」になっています。ということは、このthatは接続詞や関係代名詞ではなくて、関係副詞と考えられそうです。しかし、ネットの掲示板では「関係代名詞thatの関係副詞的用法」というややこしい説明もありましたので、ちょっと判断は保留しておきます。
本題はここなのですが、the first timeのような語句と共に用いられた場合には節の中は完了形を用いるのが一般的だそうです。言葉というのは時代とともに変化しますし、くだけた表現かどうかでも変わりますし、使う人の年代でも変わりますので、過去形は絶対にダメなのか?という疑問もあまり意味がないでしょう。ちゃんとした英文だと思ってもらいたければ、ちゃんとした規則に則った語法で書きましょうということだと思います。それは、日本語の場合を考えたら明らかでしょう。日本語として日常表現としてはOKだけど、あらたまったシーンで使ったら教養が疑われるよねというのと同じです。
This is the first time の後ろに [to 不定詞] を続けることはできません。
形式主語itの文の YAHOO!JAPAN知恵袋 :節を導く that は接続詞です。その中で、節の中の名詞の働きを兼ねているものを関係代名詞と呼んでいるだけです。;that節に語句の欠落のない場合は「接続詞」であり、that節に名詞の欠落がない場合でも副詞が欠落してれば「関係副詞」で、that節に名詞の欠落がある場合は「関係代名詞」である。つまりthat節には「接続詞/関係副詞/関係代名詞」の3つの可能性がある。
DeSalvo’s has become my favorite restaurant!(引用元 tripadvisor.jp)
One year later, Apple’s 12-inch MacBook has become my favorite laptop. (引用元 cnet.com)
Every family ritual is important tome, but there is something about our Blood Moon ritual that seems particularly poignant, and it has become myfavorite. (Llewellyn’s 2017 Witches’ Companion)
The Art of Lovingは古今東西を問わず読まれているベストセラーであり、人間が生きる目的が何なのかを説いています。高校生にとっては若干、チャレンジングだとは思いますが、どうせ英語の勉強をするのなら中身の濃い題材に取り組んでみるのも悪くないと思います。以下に、英文法速習のためのまとめを作ってみます。(適宜付け足す予定)。
エーリッヒ・フロム『愛するということ』(The Art of Loving)のオーディオブック
Erich Fromm – The Art of Love (1989)
エーリッヒ・フロム『愛するということ』(The Art of Loving)の原文(英文のフルテキスト)
【例文】Care, responsibility, respect and knowledgeare mutually interdependent. 気遣うこと、責任、尊敬、知識、これらは互いに関係しあっている。
【例文】Honey symbolizes the sweetness of life, the love for it and the happiness in being alive. Most mothers are capable of giving “milk,” but only a minority of giving “honey” too. In order to be able to give honey, a mother must not only be a “good mother,” but a happy person — and this aim is not achieved by many. The effect on the child can hardly be exaggerated. Mother’s love for life is as infectious as her anxiety is. 強調されすぎることはない
【例文】What is giving? 【和訳】与えるということはどういうことか?
【例文】What is the outcome?【和訳】結果は何ですか?
否定の命令文をつくるときには、Do not + 動詞の原形、または、Never + 動詞の原形の形をとります。
【例文】Never put off till tomorrow the fun you can have today. 【和訳】今日楽しめることを、決して明日に延ばすな。
【例文】Freud has been criticized for his overevaluation of sex.
【例文】In "love" one has found, at last, a haven from aloneness.
【例文】The child, while now living outside of the womb, is still completely dependent on mother. But daily he becomes more independent : he learns to walk, to talk, to explore the world on his own; the relationship to
mother loses some of its vital significance, and instead the relationship to father becomes more and more important.
【例文】To love somebody is not just a strong feeling — it is a decision, it is a judgment, it is a promise. 誰かを愛するということは、単なる強い感情というものではない。それは決心であり、判断であり、約束なのだ。
【例文】In essence, all human beings are identical. We are all part of One; we are One. This being so, it should not make any difference whom we love. 意味は、「そういうわけなので、」くらいでしょうか。
【例文】The God of Abraham can be loved, or feared, as a father, sometimes his forgiveness, sometimes his anger being the dominant aspect.
この文ではhis forgivenessとhis angerは分詞構文の主語になっています。
【例文】Granted that love for oneself and for others in principle is conjunctive, how do we explain selfishness, which obviously excludes any genuine concern for others?
【解説】上の分詞構文は、かりに通常の文にするとすれば、If it was granted that ... と考えればよいでしょう。grant の意味は、ここでは、「仮に~だと認める」ということです。
もし通常の分詞構文の形に書くとすれば、It being granted that ... あるいは、It being taken granted that ... になります。それをさらに省略した形と理解すればよいでしょう。
the more …, the more …
【例文】The more I know what God is not, the more knowledge I have of God.
【例文】But the more the human race emerges from these primary bonds, the more it separates itself from the natural world, the more intense becomes the need to find new ways of escaping separateness.
関係代名詞のwhich に前置詞などの語句がくっつく例
【例文】If the social structure is one of submission to authority — overt authority or the anonymous authority of the market and public opinion,
his concept of God must be infantile and far from the mature concept, the seeds of which are to be found in the history of monotheistic religion.
【解説】whichが単独で関係代名詞として使われる文には慣れている人でも、of whichとなった途端に苦手意識が湧いてしまう人もいるかもしれません。ましてや、この例文はさらに名詞までくっついて、
the seeds of whichとなっています。しかし、おそるるに足りません。関係代名詞を理解する基本原則、すなわち、もともとあった2つの文から出発して、それを関係代名詞を用いてひとつの文にする、
文1: His concept of God must be infantile and far from the mature concept.
文2: The seeds of the mature concept are to be found in the history of monotheistic religion.
次に、文1と文2で同じものを指している名詞を探すとthe mature conceptなので、第2文のほうはそれを関係代名詞whichに変えて、2つの文をドッキングさせるだけです。
His concept of God must be infantile and far from the mature concept, the seeds of which are to be found in the history of monotheistic religion.
【例文】God becomes to him a symbol in which man, at an earlier stage of his evolution,
has expressed the totality of that which man is striving for, the realm of the spiritual world, of love, truth and justice.
【例文】In contrast to brotherly love and erotic love which are love between equals, the relationship of mother and child is by its very nature one of inequality,
where one needs all the help, and the other gives it.
The relationship of mother and child is inequality, where one needs all the help, and the other gives it. となるわけです。
【例文】Whosoever saves a single life is as if he had saved the whole world;
whosoever destroys a single life is as if he had destroyed the whole world.
【例文】If it is there, it is like a blessing; if it is not there,
it is as if all beauty had gone out of life — and there is nothing I can do to create it.
【例文】Freud holds that the selfish person is narcissistic,
as if he had withdrawn his love from others and turned it toward his own person.
【例文】The beginning of the practice of concentration will be difficult; it will appear as if one could never achieve the aim.
【例文】To love God, if he were going to use this word, would mean, then, to long for the attainment of the full capacity to love, for the realization of that which "God" stands for in oneself.
【例文】Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love. Can one say more about the practice of faith? Someone else might; if I were a poet or a preacher, I might try. But since I am not either of these, I cannot even try to say more about the practice of faith, but am sure that anyone who is really concerned can learn to have faith as a child learns to walk.
【例文】To respect a person is not possible without knowing him; If care and responsibility would be blind if they were not guided by knowledge. Knowledge would be empty if it were not motivated by concern.
【例文】Responsibility could easily deteriorate into domination and possessiveness, were it not for a third component of love, respect.
as if 節の中が仮定法ではなく、通常の直説法の例
as ifときたら必ず仮定法になるわけではありません。
【例文】It seems, though, as if the proportion between masters and dilettantes is more heavily weighted in favor of the dilettantes
in the art of loving than is the case with other arts.
【例文】Mother's love is bliss, is peace, it need not be acquired, it need not be deserved. But there is a negative side, too, to the unconditional quality of mother's love. Not only does it not need to
be deserved — it also cannot be acquired, produced, controlled.
【例文】Closely related to the development of the capacity of love is the development of the object of love. これは倒置で、C+S+Vの形になっている。Cが長いこと、および強調したいというのが倒置される理由。
【例文】What Freud, paradoxically enough, ignores, is the psycho-biological aspect of sexuality, the masculine-feminine polarity, and the desire to bridge this polarity by union.
【例文】In the nature of fatherly love lies the fact that obedience becomes the main virtue, that disobedience is the main sin — and its punishment the withdrawal of fatherly love.
【解説】この文では、the factと、接続詞 thatがつくる名詞節とが同格の関係になっている。
【例文】It is the attitude which instills in the child a love for living, which gives him the feeling: it is good to be alive, it is good to be a little boy or girl, it is good to be on this earth! 生きていること、男の子や女の子でいること、地球上に存在すること、というto不定詞の名詞的用法と、形式主語となっているITに注意しましょう。 文の冒頭のItは、強調構文(It is ~ that/which …)の構成要素のItです。
【例文】The mother must not only tolerate, she must wish and support the child's separation. It is only at this stage that motherly love becomes such a difficult task, that it requires unselfishness, the ability to give everything and to want nothing but the happiness of the loved one. It is also at this stage that many mothers fail in their task of motherly love.
強調構文かそれとも形式主語のItからなる構文かを見分けるのは簡単で、強調構文であれば、It is … that を取り払ったときに、完全な文が残ります。上の例文でためしに取り払って語順を戻してみると
Motherly love becomes such a difficult task only at this stage.
It requires unselfishness, the ability to give everything and to want nothing but the happiness of the loved one only at this stage.
Many mothers fail in their task of motherly love also at this stage.
prevent ~ from -ing ~がーするのを妨げる
【例文】In the ideal case, mother's love does not try to prevent the child from growing up, does not try to put a premium on helplessness.
【例文】Altogether, the effect of the "unselfish" mother is not too different from that of the selfish one; indeed, it is often worse,
because the mother's unselfishness prevents the children from criticizing her.
【例文】Fear of or hatred for the other sex are at the bottom of those difficulties which prevent a person from giving himself completely,
from acting spontaneously, from trusting the sexual partner in the immediacy and directness of physical closeness.
等位接続詞というのは、結ばれる2つのもの(文、節、句、単語)が対等なものです。例えば、2つの文をANDで結ぶ場合、このANDは等位接続詞と呼ばれます。oranges and apples のように2つの単語を対等な関係でつないだ場合も同様です。
等位接続詞 and
【例文】He has little connection with the child in the first years of its life, and his importance for the child in this early period cannot be compared with that of mother.
等位接続詞 but
【例文】Love is not the result of adequate sexual satisfaction, butsexual happiness— even the knowledge of the so-called sexual technique — is the result of love.
【例文】If a person loves only one other person and is indifferent to the rest of his fellow men, his love is not love but a symbiotic attachment, or an enlarged egotism.
【例文】If I perceive in another person mainly the surface, I perceive mainly the differences, that which separates us.
【例文】But while the data of psychoanalytic therapy point to the fallacy of the idea that knowledge of the correct sexual technique leads to sexual happiness and love,
the underlying assumption that love is the concomitant of mutual sexual satisfaction was largely influenced by the theories of Freud.
But while the data point to the fallacy, the underlying assumption was largely influenced by the theories of Freud.
“I have lost my key.”
I am still looking for my key. 私はまだカギを探しています。
I cannot find my key. カギが見つかりません。
I lost my key.
I loved her.